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Old 06-28-22, 03:01 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
Skybird, when you have learned how to master the piano-What kind of music will you play ?

Hehe, I think you underestimate the task. I will never "master" piano in the rest of my lifetime, I will always remain a student only - I started too late. If it goes well, then I hope to turn at least into a student who in reasonable time intervals indeed improves further and further, and maybe in a few years can do some slowly-played improvisations based on accords and arpagios: then I would consider my endavour already a big success! I do not want to hang to a repertoir of a dozen simple songs that I only can play and nothing else, that would be like like a computer course where grannie or grandpa learn how to print a callign card and thats it - that would be bporing, and pointless. Being able to just play half a dozen simpkle pieces and nothing else than these: thats for robots, but I want to go beyond at leats this this. Playing simple improvisations from my mind, and while doing so reliably finding the accords I wish to bring up. Slow, simple bar tunes, maybe, nothign complicated. The simple slow jazz piano that gives a humble background to the slow jazz singer on the stage. You get what I mean, yes? Nothing too complex, too difficult.

Also, simple melodic pieces that I sometimes have on mind, you know, that kind of tunes that suddenly come to your mind over the day, and you hum them for some minutes, and an hour later its gone away and forgotten. If I can translate that idea of a melody into a simple tune and reliably finding the right keys and accords, I would be very happy already. Because when I just hum and whistle, I am very good at improvising, its my thing, always has been. Now I need to translate it directly to the language of piano, not leaving it to humming and whistling. And for that I need to learn some technical and theoretical basics, and that will take time. Much time.

Another intermediate goal would be to be able to play simple, slow accords and melodies without needing to stare panically at the keys all the time. When i was a young boy and learned chess for the first and second time (I took three starts between the age of 4 and 10), I could not name the squares correctyl without looking up the coordinates at the board's rims. Today I just need a snapshot glimpse at the board, any square, and immediately "see" without any coordinates what field it is, just by the position of it within the context of the complete board, within a tenth of a second or so I see its E4, or G7. I hope with some years practice I can find the wanted notes on the right keys as intuitively, too. But that needs: drills, drills, drills. I have no illusion on that.

This - much younger - man took 7 (!) years with this course I picked. Hear what he has to say:

"I learned everything I play today from just 39 bucks."

The way is the goal. Starting this late in my life, it cannot be any more than this, evertyhing beyond that is a welcomed bonus, but not seriously expected in advance. Also, its to keep me occupied, my other interests , as I said, became faded, stale a bit. And maybe it helps against early brain degeneration, too!
I just seriously feel I should and must do and start something completely new, else I may turn mad in a couple of years.

The above may be possible in some years, who knows. Its not a given, but the piece is surprisingly simple in structure (I have the sheets), and so it might be in reach for me in some years. But the following piece will always be beyond my reach, forever, I have no doubt. But one can dream, can't you? The man gives the best cover of this piece I ever heard - maybe even better than Williams imself played it (with orchestra), very sensible, preicse and expressive. These two pieces are very dear to me, and sometimes they even give me wet eyes.

Its good to have idols and loves like this, may they be within reach or not. For they at least keep you yearning, and yearning is what keeps you trying.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 06-28-22 at 03:46 PM.
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