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Old 06-27-22, 02:37 PM   #4875
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Yopu are too optjksitic there, becasue wevrybody knbows that Russia is not bancrupt, but that only formnoaitie shinder it to repay debts. And that they cna repay them anytime if the re3ceiver accepts Roubles. And sometimes, often, the reciever is left with Ruble poayments anyway, no matter whether he like sit or not.

It doe snot compoaqre to a state like Greeec,e Argentinew, Italy, france defualting. These states indeed are bancrupt fi they default. and then could not pay out their debotrs even if they want.

The Russian central bank so far has always found a return to every Western attempt to put it under pressure. Responsible for
this is this woman:

Elvira Nabiullina. Unfortunately we must admit that she is an extremely clever and determined bitch. Putin can feel lucky to have her. He is so hapopoy with her that he forced her into a third term althoguh she did not want after the war broke out and the rouble fel by 30%. She then quiockjj7umpoe dinterests to 20% and piushe dht erouble to it shighest level since long time, pratcially neutrlaising the effects formtbeh sancitons compeltely, and making wins. The interests normalised again, and the ouble fell again and to a lower levelk thna before the war - but FAR from the levels of the early sanction package, and where it is now, there is no threat form the rouble for the Russian eocnomy.

The ECB and FED could take lessons from her. Nabiullina was declared the worlds best central bank head of 2018. About the Western financial war she said: "After all, I studied economics, not fecal cleaning."
I know States can not go bankrupt, but this all has an effect on Russian economy what was not so great the latest years the Russian people will get affected by this and the opinion on Putin gone change because of this.
Salute Dargo

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
A victorious Destroyer is like a ton against an ounce.
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