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Old 06-01-22, 07:01 PM   #2560
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Avimimus View Post

I've been following this mod for many years and enjoying the updates. I have noticed a bit of feature creep with you discovering new techniques within the engine, increasing your skills, expanding the scope of content.

I'm curious about what the list of features and content you'd consider acceptable for an 'initial release'?

I was think that - if you set goals for an initial release, and then started planning version 2.0 and version 3.0 (or other expansions) we might get to try some of it sooner!

Something like a single player controlled submarine, and enough assets to replace the existing opponents with a couple of WWI escorts. With additional ships coming in subsequent releases. But even if you don't do that - I'd be very curious what you'd consider complete enough for a 'beta' or a version 1.0!

The 1.0 release will have multiple player subs, complete North Atlantic/Med campaign, limited US East Coast campaign, new awards, prize warfare system, new particles, and extensive new ship roster including dozens of British & German WWI capital ships. At the very least.

Goals for later versions include British & Austro-Hungarian subs, possible speedboat/destroyer campaigns, more extensive East Coast warfare, Black Sea Campaign, detailed Gallipoli campaign, accurate interiors for multiple subs, and battleships/cruisers for the following nations:

-United States

There's no need to worry about feature creep; I always maintain a good idea of what the core features of the mod will be.

Note that 3d modeling for the large warships is about 100% complete, and that the other player units will come along quickly now that the U-31 is done.

Excellent progress was being made a couple months ago; the only reason for the current slowdown is my office offering overtime that lets me increase my salary by 40%. This is a huge opportunity, and of course the extra money goes to more WWI source material for the mod.
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