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Old 05-30-22, 11:55 PM   #4674
Sonar Guy
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
The main problem Torpex77 is that the Tench Class boat is not supposed to be available until January of 1945. Since it is not an active boat, it crashes the game.

This is a concept we have been trying to wrap our heads around since the beginning of the game. It's nice that they decided to "reward" a player with a high score by presenting them with a new boat - but NOT until after it is available in the game! All of the updates they had done to this game, and they never bothered to fix the issue. As modders, we have to pay attention to dates on everything. But the game itself apparently can ignore them, and just do whatever whenever. The boat is restricted in multiple places, but the game will still give it to you early. It behooves the player to familiarize themselves with when boats are available (multiple pdf files in the Support folder).

What you will have to do is re-arm and re-fuel, but NOT end patrol. Go back out and do a Status update if you want more assignments, or just go sink stuff. Come back in to dock at Guam after January 1, 1945. You should then make if fully through the process of docking. I am surprised it did let you dock previously...
WOW I couldn't believe this article was written a week ago. As long as this game has been out and with everything people have been able to do with this game it's amazing that we can't fix stuff like this.
Is there a hidden source code that is unavailable to use?
If we can alter any .cfg files why can't we fix this problem.
Not criticizing just curious.
I have been playing this game off and on since it first came out and I'm always amazed at how many changes can be made to this game.
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