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Old 05-26-22, 05:00 AM   #41
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Ah, geez. This is a case of too little too late, but you ALWAYS want to have some Microscale Liquid Decal Film handy when dealing with old decals.

I wish I had thought about posting this earlier.
You're not completely lost, however. You can use the draft marker decals from any of the Hobby Boss 688 models. There are some minor differences but no one will notice them.

If you have most of the decals for your Ohio still on the paper, stop and get that bottle of Liquid Decal Film first. You could also try the old Testor's Decal Making Kit, you'll want the can of spray sealer.

Check on Amazon, Microscale sells a "three pack" of Micro Sol, Micro Set, and Micro Decal Film.

Again, sorry I didn't think about posting this earlier.

BTW, don't concentrate too much on printing your own decals for the sub. You would NEED an "ALPS" style of printer that's capable of printing white ink at least at 800 DPI or finer. Trust me, you don't have one. Neither does any one in your town unless they own a specialty printing business.

Last edited by ET2SN; 05-26-22 at 05:16 AM.
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