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Old 05-02-22, 09:00 AM   #4578
CTD - it's not just a job
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Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
december 8, 1941

i did this between the boat-creation-task and the start of the mission. but no, i have not saved mid-mission and restarted/reloaded. i'll try that.

p.s. restarted SH4.
started mission.
sailed to deeper water.
submerged and ran the batteries to 73%.
surfaced and ran for an hour at 12 kts with battery charge on. No change.
Saved. Exited SH4.
restarted SH4, loaded mission.
ran for an hour at 12 kts with battery charge on. No change.
exit SH4.

any other ideas?
Well, I have run 3 test career starts on 3 different machines, with 3 different copies of SH4 with FotRSU v1.7p3, plain, NK/NM & with vickers03's interior, and all 3 seem to be fine. Are you certain you didn't turn the automatic battery charge off somehow? I am not certain that the player is able to do that in FotRSU though, without edits? Had you made changes to the Commands.cfg file, and maybe inadvertently altered the battery charge? Beyond that, I am out of ideas... ??

Originally Posted by SeniorCitizen View Post
My bad. Should have paid closer attention to the date restrictions. Just wasn't thinking about it at the time. Have already started new career, but may take my last save from old career and go sit at Brisbane a little longer just to see what happens. No biggie. Stuff happens.

Very aware of the 3 different ports in and around the SF Bay, and that Mare is the farthest one in. I actually did try the others after Mare wouldn't let me in.
My guess then for that, is that you are beyond the dates for more missions there. We will attempt to add a "dummy" set of missions in case a player either drops through the cracks for the SeaTrials sets (happens all too often), and also for "early and late comers" that get the boat early, or return to the base after the SeaTrials mis dates... although I do have another idea for the sea trials I might try...

PS: You can, of course, run more than one Career at a time. Just make certain you name your Save files appropriately to keep them straight in your head for when you go to reload a Save... The settings in the Captain's Office while in port can be different for each career. Just click on the radio console in the office, and you could make one career "no duds" and easy, the other with duds, and other more difficult settings, if desired. The problem comes in with mod sets, in that enabling and disabling mods in one career can and does affect the other careers...

Originally Posted by SeniorCitizen View Post
Thought I only had "approved" mods loaded, but I must have snuck FOTRSU Position Keeper Tweak in without realizing it wasn't on list. Anyway, it's just a graphics tweak for the position keeper. Swaps out 3 DDS files. Have had no issues with it. Here's the link:
My golly, I had completely forgotten about that one... Seems to me we tested it, and all was fine... but I cannot find reference to it in any of my notes - which is not surprising, since the oldmanitis factor is on the rise... - We'll see if we can't contact gutted for permission, and include that in the AddInModzPak for the next release...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna

Last edited by propbeanie; 05-02-22 at 09:12 AM. Reason: The "PS:" above
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