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Old 04-13-22, 04:51 PM   #4517
CTD - it's not just a job
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Well, Jeff, I had almost forgotten about that and SH3... lol - I was wondering if maybe there aren't several errors in the "terrain" of the game, because of what can happen around Truk lagoon, or off the north shore of New Guinea, where no amount of terrain "fixing" will eliminate the under-sea "rift", where a sheer wall comes up from the thousands of feet deep, to be within 30feet of the surface. If you are submerged near the areas, you do not "crash" your boat, but rather, the game CTDs... I have tried all manner of attempted "fixes", including this "all-new" mission, of which this is the overview:

my Player sub is approaching the 24nm line I had drawn. I drew an 18nm circle from the other end, down by the Objective circles seen in the pic above, and was approaching that. This is the last pic taken, with an "X" about where my boat was when the game crashed - again:

The game is consistent with the four Commando Insertion missions I have built over the last two days, of crashing right at the 20nm mark from land. So I have blanked the campaign to eliminate all possibility of it being a unit of any sort. Date of the crash does not seem to matter, only the distance from the north shore of Attu, by Holtz Bay. The only "assets" I can find are two gun emplacements:

However, they look to be fine, and the game does still crash with that file removed anyway... I do have MapZones in use that span the 180 longitude, and thought maybe it was them, but removing them makes no difference. I have had issue when attempting to set waypoints for RGG or other Groups / Units in the game, if you "cross" the 180, where the Mission Editor will NOT go directly from WP1 to WP2 if on either side of 180, but rather, the route will "wrap around the world" instead... maybe this is related to that?... Dunno, but here's the set-up for that:

Also of interest is this:

If I exit the scenario prior to the CTD, the game still crashes - but only with this mission. I have a very similar mission off San Diego, another off Apemama, as well as other locations... It makes NO SENSE, unless I remember Dunkirk, and there is no explaining that one either...

I am now going to test coming North at Attu from west of the 180 line, and see what happens...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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