Thread: Missing parts
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Old 04-11-22, 08:45 PM   #2
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As long as the kit is still in production, you should be OK.
Revell/Germany has a good reputation for customer service. Revell/USA? Um, not so much but I've heard where they've gotten better.

You could also try searching for the name of your kit on EBay and see what pops up. People will give up on a model kit or buy a box of kits at a flea market, then sell the individual parts trees.
I found a really strange part on EBay that way.
Remember the 1/144th scale B-52 thread? I spotted the clear plastic canopy/windscreen for the new Korean model and snagged it on the spot.
Not for my Academy B-52, but for a much older Revell B-52 that has a traditionally horrible windscreen. Both parts are very close and I only need to do some minor cutting to get the new part installed and painted. That was a case where only being patient for 30 years finally paid off.

Last, do some online digging and track down the after-market modelling suppliers in Europe. You might be amazed how many options are out there.

As an example, in the Shelby GT 350 thread I mentioned adding some flocking for the carpet and some floor mats. Here's where I'll get them:

If I decide to throw the book at this project and super detail the car, I can also add engine wiring, seat belts (1/24th scale racing belts look a LOT like regular 1/18 scale seat belts) and other gizmos.

Good luck and start collecting URLs.
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