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Old 03-12-22, 11:16 PM   #2535
Silent Hunter
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Never think this mod is dead; it's pretty much my main hobby. My career can be demanding but WOTK eats up almost every spare moment.

Very important milestones have been reached!

1) Established the U-31 as an almost 100% functional unit in its near final form. It now has 4 torpedo tubes, masts raise and lower, crew on deck, texture errors corrected, historical, speed/range, correct displacement, and more. I am improving the use of AO maps on player subs - in previous screenshots the submarines may have been flat-looking; the final verisons will have a working AO layer.

2) I've educated myself about the .upc and .upcge files. Basically, the files that control who appears where in the submarine, and what equipment is on board. The interiors will have many more sailors than the standard SH4 subs.

3) Nearly 100% of the dates ingame have been changed! Lots of things had to be done, like weapon availability, torpedo pistol characteristics, upgrades, campaign starts, etc. Initially, the plan was to have the game run from 1941 - 1945, with dates only changed in the interface ... However, apparently it will be possible to really have the correct years, 1914 - 1918. I just ran a mission during WWI (1915) with no problems! This is a big positive.

4) Reduced the crew slots on the U-31 submarine to only 30-40 men. You will need to manage your crew carefully; this is a lot less men than fleetboats. And the UB-I will have even fewer men (about 15).

5) Began changing the WW2 torpedoes to common WWI torpedoes, like the G/6 and G/6D. Gave correct torpedo layout (a lot less than fleet boats). U-31 for example will carry 6 torpedoes. Maximum 10 torpedoes for the improved late war version. All based on historical data about ammo capacity.

6) 3d modeling of the generic Light Merchant and Medium Merchant models. Added several different funnel sizes and dozens of bridge shapes that the game will cycle through, to create more variety.

7) Deciding which medals to include in the new Medals Room. The existing awards system is being overhauled; you will award yourself medals + trophies and see them on your submarine. Here's one possible order:

-UBoat Badge (1918 Only)
-Iron Cross 2nd Class
-Iron Cross 1st Class
-Hanseatic Cross
-Military Merit Order
-Royal House Order of Hohenzollern
-Pour Le Merite (Blue Max)
-Pour Le Merite with Oak Leaf

8) WWI-era 88mm gun is finishing up - modeling is about 70% complete. No more fleet boat guns for WWI subs. Work on the 50mm and 150mm is in its early stages.

9) Added lots of dramatic radio messages about what's going on around the world. This is far from done but it's coming along well - I just wrote up a great news series on the killing of Archduke Franz-Ferdinand, the diplomatic crisis, and the war declaration. And an action-packed account of the Battle of Tannenberg. Next comes the Battle of the Marne, the Christmas Truce of 1914, Gallipoli, Verdun, the Somme, Neville's Offensive, etc etc etc!!

Thank you for the movie, Bubblehead. Niume, unforuntately that bug has not been resolved yet.
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