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Old 03-12-22, 12:30 AM   #1
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Default Religious exemptions and Columbia WAGs

I saw this today

and I wound up getting ####ed off. I figured that here would be a good place to discuss it.

- You should have a basic understanding that you're joining the military before you join the military. Military service in the US has been voluntary for quite a while, now. Every religion I can think of has a "thou shalt not kill" clause built into it while every military has a pretty strong view on the opposite side. How were you able to square that circle when you pledged your loyalty to your country and took up arms?
My experience with "religious exemptions" came when I was in boot camp. Members of one religious denomination got to go to day long services on Sundays, watch movies, eat cake, and hang out, take a nap, and BS while the rest of us unwashed slobs got to wax the decks and clean the heads. Of course, if you were willing to convert over, you too could take a day off.
Thankfully, the Navy stomped on it just after I got paroled from Great Lakes.
Lately, I'm seeing the same idea with the "anti vax" crowd. You're against science and technology, right? What about the science and technology you use when you pull the trigger on the old rifle or send a text on your smart phone? You're going to #### away a fifteen year career over three needles? PUH-lease..

PCU Columbia- Hey Aaron? I hope you're reading this. How about if we don't make the hull redundant before it goes on sea trails? We should know why SSBNs need to be unbeatable, for any country who has them in their fleet. Remember what they said at your debrief- "No information, no dis-information, NO speculation". Just sit there and grin when people say "You were on one of those things??".
You and I are kind of doomed. A lot of people would love to know what we know. Those same people also have a habit of not being able to distinguish between #### and Shinola. The most we can do is nudge them towards a more logical explanation and hope they can figure it out on their own. Concepts like a "knuckle in the water" and "test depth" sell books but they don't help if you're searching for the truth. Think about what those "tactics" have done for our old profession. If it helps, I only talk about the "day to day" side of being in the Navy or going under way.
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