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Old 02-21-22, 02:55 AM   #5232
Navy Seal
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30 June- 28 July 1944


Returned from War Patrol TWELVE to Darwin, Australia on 28 June 1944. Conducted voyage and damage repairs, refueled and began preparing for
next patrol, special mission, to commence 30 June. Eight MK 18-2 torpedoes were loaded (four forward tubes, aft tubes, two reserve). Began loading for special mission on
29 June. Ready for sea 30 June

30 June 1944

1832 Underway in accordance with Secret Operation Order 82-44, underway to transport 22 men under LCDR George F. Rowe, USNR, along with gear and supplies for transportion to
Mindoro, Philippines.

1-4 July

En route special mission.

6 July

0900 Submerged south of Sibutu Passage, on surface

1904 Surfaced to transit Sibutu Passage through the night.

1910 Storms set in during transit.

7-12 July

En route to special mission via Sulu Sea

12 July

1900 Arrived Mindoro Strait.

13 July

0700 Submerged to reconnoiter in daylight of landing area at BABAYAN POINT, MINDORO.

0730 First of many patrols contacted throughout day in Mindoro Strait area.

2100 Landing sight unsuitable, several small boats anchored nearby. Ordered via radio to proceed to alternate landing site SAN ROQUE, MINDANAO,
conduct operations 2200 hours 14 July

2200 Received message from COMSUBSOWESPAC, RAY (SS-271) will transit near our position en route her patrol area between 0000-0800 14 July.

14 July

0528 Sighted RAY at 12-12N 120-46 E 7000 yards. Exchanged rec signals.

0600 Submerged 10 miles off Mindanao.

2100 Surfaced, prepared for special mission.

2200 Conducted special mission, landed cargo and personnel via rubber boat at SAN ROQUE, MINDANADO.

2350 Mission Completed.

15 July

0015 ULTRA received regarding two tankers departing Coron for Subic Bay 0600 15 August. Ordered to conduct coordinated attack with RAY in Mindoro Strait.

0400 Received message, RAY would cover North end of Mindoro Strait, NAUTILUS was to cover central portion.

0600 Submerged for patrol.

1354 Detected distant props on sound bearing 290

1400 Radar depth. SJ contacts bearing 297 range 23250 yards.

1401 General Quarters

1418 Surfaced to pull ahead.

1425 Convoy zigged to NW toward NAUTILUS.

1428 Submerged for attack.

1446 Sighted convoy. Two AO, four escort course 290 12 knots.

1450 Convoy zigged to SW throwing NAUTILUS out of position. Went to 250 ft, closed at flank speed to

1503 Periscope depth. Convoy on course 265 12 knots. NAUTILUS 3300 yards off track.
Identified two AO...KIKUSUI MARU 3500 tons leading, followed by DAISHIN MARU 5150 tons.


1505 Bow tubes readied for firing. Depth set to 8 ft. MK 18-2 torpedoes in all tubes.

1507 Fired tubes 1,2,3,4 2900 yards.

1510 Torpedoes missed! Convoy zigged to starboard after firing, causing torpedoes to miss ahead (based on sound information)

1512 Pinging. Ordered 300 ft. rigged depth charge, silent running.

1515 Short scale pinging. Enemy closing in.

1516 Escort above. DC splashes. DC explosions above.

1517 More DC explosions, boat shaken.

1527 Close DC explosions. Damage reported

1745 Escorts moved on, one remained behind hunting, dropping charges.

1840 Escort visible astern 11000 yards, chanced it, surfaced undetected and moved ahead at high speed for end round.
All bow torpedoes expended, but four remain in stern torpedo room. Secured GQ

1845 Explosions heard and smoke visible in distance, likely result of attack by RAY in north end of strait.

1940 SJ noted two additional pips in area, possible patrol vessels assisting convoy escorts.

2000 Convoy zigged west towards NAUTILUS. Awaiting night fall for surface torpedo attack.

Expected word from RAY, none as of yet. APR-1 detected radar emissions from bearing 210.


2100 Lost contact with convoy.

16 July

0026 Regained SJ contact bearing 002 26200 yards.


0100 Convoy zigged to NE, apparently heading for Verde Island Passage as expected. Several pips are missing, including one in center, possible
RAY sunk one of the tankers, or even escorts.

0110 Convoy report sent. Convoy on course 040 11 knots. 13-29 N 120-03 E

0134 Tubes 5,6, made ready depth 4 ft. (seas calm).

0135 Fired tubes 5,6 3000 yards.

0138 Both torpedoes hit target. Massive explosion of loaded tanker.

0139 Escort chasing down NAUTILUS, pulling ahead, barely. Stern tubes being reload with last two fish.

0141 Received message from RAY. Inviting to conduct joint attack in Verde Island passage.
Did not mention if sunk other tanker. With two torpedoes aboard, decided to end around north of Lubang Island to enter the pass

0200 Lone pip nearby bearing 240 investigating.

0215 Pip is Etorofu type escort. Turned to course 350 flank speed for end round Lubang Island.

0220 Secured GQ.

0500 Sighted RAY in Verde Island passage bearing 290 8000 yards.

0701 SJ contacts bearing 27,950 yards.


0704 Three pips in "triangle" formation.

0706 APR-1 detected radar signals from bearing 007.

0710 Submerged for attack at dawn.

0715 Detected RAY on sound. Appears in position to attack from starboard side. NAUTILUS will attack from port

0721 Periscope depth, aircraft spotted bearing 244 9000 yards.

0722 Aircraft made low pass dropped bombs or depth charges. Aircraft spotted RAY.

0731 Contacts are remaining escorts from convoy (Two Type A Etorofu, one Type D Escort) closing on RAY's position, alerted by aircraft.
Closing contacts to assist RAY. Appears the DAISHIN MARU tanker and one escort attack by RAY sunk.

Torpedo Attack No. 3

0751 Fired tube 5 range 3400 yards. Target course 350 17 knots.

0752 Observed lead escort drop depth charge pattern near RAY's location.

0753 Another pattern of charges exploded.

0756 Torpedo missed. Believe target slowed as approached area.

0804 Observation. One Type A Etorofu appears to be sinking by stern and on fire likely hit by torpedo from RAY.

Escorts continue to lay patterns of charges. NAUTILUS closing via stern to utilize last torpedo.

0813 Observation. Type D escort bearing 175 2350 yards. Closing. Readied tube No.6 with final torpedo. MK 18-2

0816 Pinging.

0820 fired down the the throat shot 600 yards

0821 Ordered 300 ft. rigged silent running, depth charge. Can hear other escorts depth charging RAY

0823 Enemy passed above. Depth charges, large pattern.

0824 Many explosions., boat shaken, severely. Leaks in air lines and piping in conning tower.

0826 Large pattern. Many explosions boat shaken.

0829 Large DC pattern, explosions heard astern, Most likely escorts attacking RAY.

1101 Last depth charge explosion heard astern. Two of three escorts departed area high speed.

1130 Periscope depth. Escort 8000 yards astern, laying to, listening. Believe they lost contact with RAY.

1212 Secured GQ. Returned to 365 ft. Maintained Silent Running on course 280 to depart the passage.

1331 Sound picked up light fast, and slow heavy prop noises well astern in the pass. Came to periscope depth.
At about 9000 yards, spotted a damaged tanker, low in water, heavy list. Type D escort about 900 yards ahead sweeping.
Tanker believed to be DAISHIN MARU 5150 tons, heavily damaged by RAY in previous attack. Likely figured for casualty and was left behind with one escort
while the KIKUSUI MARU other tanker made the run for port. Out of torpedoes , NAUTILUS was unable to attack.
Returned to 350 ft, continued departure from area.

2020 Periscope Depth

2025 Radar depth.

2030 Surfaced. Set course for Fremantle, Australia.

16-17 July

En route Fremantle

18 July

1900 Began night time transit of Balabac Strait. During transit, seas increased to heavy swells and a thick fog descended rather rapidly, making for a challenging transit of the

19 July

0000 Weather cleared just before midnight. Eastern exit of the strait, turned to course 130 for Sibutu Pass.

20 July

0000 Transited Sibutu Pass southbound.

21- July

En route Fremantle.

22 July

1700 Submerged 30 NM North of Lombok Strait until dusk for transit.

2011 Surfaced. Went ahead full for southbound transit Lombok Strait through the night.

2117 SJ contact, single pip. Bearing 034 22000 yards. Likely North end patrol. Evaded.

2338 SJ contact single pip bearing 008 23655 yards. Likely central patrol, appeared to be in center of strait.

2344 Second pip detected with 2338 contact. Evaded both at 8000 yards.

23 July

0011 SJ contact bearing 323 24500 yards. Appeared to be south end patrol.

0132 Cleared South end of Lombok Strait. Set course 195 to Fremantle.

24-27 July

En route Fremantle

28 July

1035 Docked Fremantle, Australia. Terminated war patrol.


3500 tons


Completed at alternate location due to enemy presence. Mission Successful.


1. Forward Deck Gun

2. Radio Receiver

3. No. 2 Periscope

4. JP Sonar Head (Deck Mount)

5. Hydraulic Pumos

6. Piping throughout boat

7. High Pressure Air lines throughout the boat.

8. Main Induction jarred.

9. Light and glass fixtures throughout boat.

10. No. 3 Electric Motor was heavily damaged in Depth charge attack No. 1, remained noisy throughout.

11. Batteries would not charge beyond 97 percent after depth charge attack number 2.


The coordinated attack with USS RAY SS-271 on 15 July was quite effective, with one confirmed sunk and another severely damaged (initially thought sunk),
possibly sunk as still has some ways to go before reaching port, and a escort likely sunk. NAUTILUS would have loved another try, but was out of torpedoes, due to only having eight
aboard to make room for cargo and passengers.

Enemy ASW has improved and seems to get better each time NAUTILUS goes out. Unusual for a patrol, Commanding Officer was able to watch via periscope
the depth charge attack on RAY by three escort vessels. They worked as a team, taking turns attempting to box the submarine in. One would periodically stop to listen while others moved about.

The TYPE D escort vessels carry quite a few charges and if so inclined may lay quite the impressive pattern.


I had external cam off (like usual) on this run but got some decent shots.

Area of action on this patrol. Landing men and supplies at Mindoro, then responding to ULTRA, attacked convoy in area with USS RAY.

Ray under depth charge attack. (could not see the nice splash on this once, must have caught it too late)

'Emily' flying boat attacking submerged AI sub (USS RAY) on morning of 16 July in Verde Island Pass. Raised scope for observation and saw the plane flying quite low over water, dropped bombs/charges.
Alerted the oncoming escorts(survivors of convoy attack) which came in and attacked.

Escort smoking after being torpedoed by RAY. Believe it later sunk, as last I saw I, was down by stern in water and burning.

Escort smoking after being torpedoed by RAY. Believe it later sunk, as last I saw I, was down by stern in water and burning.

Escort smoking after being torpedoed by RAY. Believe it later sunk, as last I saw I, was down by stern in water and burning.

Escort from aft end of Nautilus bridge during night surface attack. Range is about 3500 yards.

Close escort, was attacking RAY, turn for NAUTILUS as crept close, took some attention off other sub.

Random shot of radar. I hate how the smiley face shows up when hit the screenshot button lol

RAY spotted as it transited our area of operations July 14 1944.

Racing away after sinking tanker.

Tanker through binoculars , looking aft on bridge, before firing torpedoes, range about 3500 yards

Tanker full of oil/gas always explode nice. The second torpedo was redundant in this case, torpedo instantly set off the explosion.

Tanker full of oil/gas always explode nice. The second torpedo was redundant in this case, torpedo instantly set off the explosion.

Tanker full of oil/gas always explode nice. The second torpedo was redundant in this case, torpedo instantly set off the explosion.

Tanker full of oil/gas always explode nice. The second torpedo was redundant in this case, torpedo instantly set off the explosion.

Oil from tanker burning after sinking.

Tanker down by stern sinking.


Last edited by Bubblehead1980; 02-21-22 at 03:36 AM.
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