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Old 02-18-22, 09:32 AM   #4394
Ace of the Deep
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
How are you making out with the edits there torpedobait?

For anyone in a Gato, upgrading to a Balao at an appropriate timeframe, if you would let us know if you lose your gun positions please, or any other "upgrade" from a boat with a fore gun to a boat with an aft gun, or vice versa, we would appreciate it. torpedobait lost his gun positions after an automatic "upgrading" from Conn 01 to Conn 02, which also changed the Measure 9 to Measure 43 paint, this after initially having gotten the Balao with the gun positions properly in place... At this time, like KM's sinking ships, it appears to be one of those "SH4 things"... sigh...
I couldn't be happier! The deck gun is manned, I upgraded to the 5.5" stern-mounted deck gun, and all works fine. Have not tried to move the gun around, nor will I. If the Navy wants me to have a bow or stern gun, than that's the way I take it. Why mess with success?

Thank you for the assistance. I now have the "cure" for adding the second crew to the AA guns when needed, and the Deck gun crew should there be an error there.

I am continuing my career that started out of Cavite. I did notice one strange thing (I can hear you groaning from clear over here). While based out of Manus Island, I requested and was granted a transfer on 7/24/1944 to the new FB at Saipan. However, when I launched the next patrol on 8/10/1944 , it showed me leaving from Manus again! That has never happened before - the mission is assigned based on the arrival base, but the subsequent departure after a transfer has always been from the new base.

So on arrival back to Manus Island on 8/29/1944 I re-requested a transfer to Saipan because I wanted to be closer to Leyte Gulf in the October timeframe. This time the transfer went through as normal. When I left port in early September it was from Saipan, as expected. Probably another date thing, but it did no harm.

And on we go!

Run Silent, Run Deep, and Sink 'em All
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