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Old 02-07-22, 11:23 AM   #13966
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Originally Posted by tonschk View Post
Hi, can you help please I cannot find where to tick the box 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings' , where is?, thank you very much

There are differences between the Win7, Win8, Win10 & Win11 dialogs. Similar, but not quite the same. On your left-hand "Properties" page is the "Change high DPI Settings" button, which will then open that little window to the right with the "High DPI scaling override" section at the bottom. You click on the tick-box for "Override high DPI scaling behavior" and choose with the drop-down box under "Scaling performed by:" and select "Application" there. "OK" and "OK" your way out, and it should be set. However, on my computers, I also have to tick the "Disable full-screen optimizations" on the main "Properties", "Compatibility" section, and one of my computers has the top of the 2nd page to the right set also, under the "Program DPI" section, with the "Use this setting for scaling problems..." which then activates the dropdown for the "Use the DPI that's set...", which I have at "I open this program". That is a laptop with onboard video, and Win10 wants to "smooth" everything, so that tells it not to interfere with SH4 on my machine. Settings for SH5 most likely will not be quite the same, and your computer is probably also different. Experimentation is key.

"...and bollocks to the naysayers" - Jimbuna
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