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Old 02-03-22, 12:09 AM   #486
Mad Mardigan
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Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
No, Vickers03''s interiors do not work with TMO at this time, causes CTD and other issues when others have tried. There is, down the pike TMO version coming from what was told. Some of his other excellent mods, such as EAX sound does. Make sure have proper version listed in the README. Far as of his others, I am not sure. Will have to ask about a specific mod on here, others may know.

The latest version of TMO is TMO 2.5 Update BH. The original TMO is quite dated as the creator has not been active in the community for some time.

In the TMO Update, I reduced aircraft presence heavily. That is a major different between current TMO and FOTRS. I removed a lot of airbases because they overlapped, so players were dealing redundant coverage. If the way the game spawn planes was not so asinine, would be okay but it is what it is, so made the change.

Now, when close to a air base in appropriate areas, will get more air contacts...think Tokyo area, Luzon Straits etc. I feel have found a realistic balance in the TMO Update.

TMO planes have a reputation for being tough and they are, especially later in war when they get the sensor simulating MAD, can see player sub submerged fairly deep.

SD detection range depends on some factors....which mod (SD or Improved SD) , the crewmember assigned to radar experience level...i.e. more skilled crew member will detect at further range, weather, altitude and speed of aircraft, bearing of the plane, proximity to land..mountain interfere etc.

The early war SD set...typical detection range is 6-8 NM depending on combo of the factors listed above. Patrol I just ended in July 1942...en route back home from Area 4A...SD radar (not improved model)....SD did not detect a MAVIS from Marcus Island, lookouts spotted it at about 8000 yards. I was in Narwhal Class, barely had time to get under. Fortunately, the fog seemed to prevent the plane from spotting us and plane was on N/S course and I was heading range remained steady. That was a unusual example, 8/10 times will get bombed in that situation. Like I said, a lot of factors.

As war goes on, planes get tougher as skill levels go up, certain planes get radar( not super radar though lol, its reasonable).

Give TMO 2.5 BH a try, let me know what you think

Can confirm, that the last sea life, before the version done for FotRS-U v1.7 (that is... ) does work with your work... just as well as vicker's original 4k sub skin less gray... & the Battleflags mod. as long as you ONLY use the conning tower portion. The wardroom portion is useless... without the interior mod... which, as is known, that vicker's did mention of seeing of working on it to be able to be used for your work.. of revamping the original v2.5 to bring it up to date.

M. M.
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