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Old 01-17-22, 09:20 AM   #222
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I have no craving to go to Russia, China or Iran, ever. I was in in Iran, for many months, late 90s, okay. But I was a different man then, and I ticked differently back then. As a result I see Iran more differentiated today then most others. But that doe snot chnbage my detemrination to insist that we muzst confront them. Same with Russia. That i voice a more complex, complicated view on thigns doe snot mean I love Putin. Far form it. I soberly amdit however that he plays the Grand Game very well, and better than any European leaders, or any of the last presidents in the US. I mean after all th8is time he is still there and Russia is strionger than 30 years ago.

Technologically, Russia traditionally has had the upper hand in missile technology, both ATGMs and SAMs. They have produced them in greater variety and mostly for better effectiveness than most Western pendants. They have them in superior quantities, different to the West. Regarding their current SAM and radar technology they absolutely have the ability to turn air spaces into aerial access denial zones - and doing so even far beyond their national borders. I am aware of US stealth technology, yes. I am just not as one-sidedly and enthusiastically convinced of its effectiveness against a real high tech opponent with practical expertise to reduce exactly these kind of systems's effectiveness.

I do not say the Russian stealth technology is as good alreadsy as the American, and they certainly know that. Its their counter-stealth abilities that would give me concerns.

Some years ago America was laughing about the possibility that China could turn former ICBMs into carrier killers. Well, its been a longer time now that I heard any further laughter.

And the last wars run by the US against technologically far inferior enemies did not really went that well at all. Judging by the end results, I would rate them all as strategic defeats.

I think Biden has that on his mind and that is why he gives the imoresison oif staying clear of any military engagement over the Ukraine. I think that is wise. I cannot imagine that the US military is all hooray over the outlook of needing to fight the Russians. The outcome is - open.
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