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Old 01-09-22, 03:52 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Not disturbing Me... so no worries...

Ok, when you run the .exe installer... what is the base (meaning... very 1st, folder location, to where it is to install. Just finished this morning, of running it Myself & the default 1st folder location it listed was C:\

The very next folder, was in fact, defaulted to \Program files

Which as I mentioned... is where you never want to install anything, game/s related... ever. That, includes newer ones, as not all of them, are designed right, to work inside of UAC's fife dom. UAC breaks down to something of User Account Control... if I have that right. Yep... I did.

From Microsoft's own explanation of it:

User Account Control (UAC) is a security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to your Windows 10 computer or device. These unauthorized changes can be initiated by users, apps, viruses, or other types of malware. UAC ensures that these changes are made only with the administrator’s approval.

Problem is... most, if not all changes approved by the user... or if you're the only 1 using said computer... as admin... does UAC listen to being told something's approved of.

It'll undertake, under its "own" authority... to override any changes you make, including but most definitely not limited to... games/sims, such as... SH4.

Even to including newer games designed with now a day computer.

What I did was... (& note, that this is with My having 2 internal HD's & 1 external... ) was to set up Steam launcher, into the 2nd internal HD which is not used by Windows to run the computer. Then, to set up Steam's SH4 v1.5 copy, into the library for the launcher to pull from, into My external HD. Thereby... bypassing UAC, altogether.

The 2nd is hot listed as A:\

Windows is on C:\ & the external holds all My games & libraries for Arc, Origin, Steam & Ubisoft... all on E:\ drive.

If you don't use Steam, or Ubisoft for that matter & have a cd/dvd copy of SH4... then is a simple matter to just create (even on C:\ if you only have 1 hard drive... ) a folder & name it \Games & can then just install there the KSD II set up.

Just make sure to NOT create that \Games folder inside of \Program files or \Program files (x86)


Note, that "Games" (circled in "red" to highlight it...) folder is not residing in any of UAC's folders in it's control.

It still, is in the C drive directory, but C:\

however... is not under UAC's iron fisted dictatorship... & thus, is safe to install any game into \Games.

Hope that helps... clarify this... better for you.

M. M.
nothing to do I tried as you said but ..... it doesn't work ... unfortunately I give up
thank you for your help
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