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Old 01-03-22, 09:55 PM   #27
Join Date: Feb 2015
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The ol’ cat and mouse game with destroyers!

Here is my response. 99% of most players problems is being caught in the first place!

Here is most scenarios… you are submerged, even at night (when you should be surfaced), you fire an eel, aaaaaaannnnnnnnddddd you wait! And wait! And wait!

Instead of leaving the scene, and getting away, we sit there and watch the torp Hoping to watch fireworks in the dull hue of colors and pixels!

When you fire an eel, we should be hauling ass away from the scene. We have to tell ourselves “we have been heard, and the devil is coming!”

1) Stay on the surface if possible and attack at night.

2) Attack in bad weather if able.

3) Get out of the area as fast as you can! Don’t watch torpedoes,!don’t linger about.

4) Once out of the area, keep the convoy in sight and prepare to attack a 2nd time.

Once a destroyer picks you up, you are pretty much visible to all of them. Be prepared for several in game hours of dodging!

There is no sense going quiet when they can see you with ASDIC. You have to keep evading until they are so far away from the convoy they forget about you, or you have kept a slim underwater profile long enough they didn’t see you and presume you left the area.

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