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Old 01-02-22, 07:15 PM   #44
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And my other "hero", Dr. Jason Fung, on low salt diets, or better: the strong and unfortunately very influential publication bias. I am not shy on salt - and my cardiovascular variables went from "drug-supported" to "healthy". I had reduced my hypertension meds over the last years and almost reduced them - and since three weeks I am completely off - with normal blood pressure slightly below 120/80 and heart rate at rest down from 110+ for most of my life to now below 70! That was an 18 month process. My old doc, but the new one alike, find it hard to believe. But its real, and its results that hold.

So much, so very much speaks against the salt-hypertension theory, and this is known since decades. We have seen many nutrition paradigms come and go over the past 100 years, some of them got busted and revealed as wrong myths, but some still stay strong in place, unfortunately the low salt regime is one of them. But I call it one of the worst, even criminal nutrition policies ever, having done serious health damage to millions and millions over millions in the past decades, and having caused unimaginable financial costs in the health sector. And they still preach this lethal nonsense because some academics' great ego cannot stand to admit that for decades they have preached the wrong truths - or that they were bought by the industry.

The book you want to read is "The Salt Fix" by James DiNicolantonio. Until then: let the salt shaker dance on your table as you pleases! use a smuch as you find tasty. Feel no guilt. There are many wrongs in modern industrialised highly processed food products: bad fats, sugar, white flour and high carbo hydraztes - the salt content is none fo them. Its not about the salt - but the bad stuff you eat your salt with!

P.S. Most people seem to prefer, by mere taste, a daily dose around 7-16 grams of salt per day. But before we had refrigerators, people ate up to 80, 100, 120 grams of salt per day, in some places in North America and Europe up to 200 grams! And we have no historic reports about this having caused any form of "pandemic" cardiovascular problems. People had to drink more, and that was all! A healthy kidney is made for and is capable of processing several hundred times as much salt as modern man eats today, that is absolutely no problem! When refrigertos started their conquest of the households and electricty became widely distrubuted, salt consumation came down - and simultaneously the rate of cardiovascular desaeas and hypertzensioon went up, and steeply so! Why? Because the new tool in the kitchen allowed new eating habits and new food products. The cooling came in, the salt (from the brining) went out, the cardiovascular deaseases went up like a ballon.

Its not the salt - its what you eat the salt with!

I also say this: if you save on salt, you always pay a price in your health. The body reacts to it by reducing blood volume, the water then goes from the blood into the tissue, the periphery vascular tone increases, the heart has to work harder to get the now more viscous blood circulating through the now narrower blood vessels - your heart rate goes up, the heart has to pump heavier and more often. I saw it in my own life. I am down from unhealthy HR 110+ at rest for most of my life down to now very relaxed and healthy 70 and below. And that effect set in on the very same day I started to eat much more salt, the reaction followed within 10 hours or so! Having two eggs rolled in 6-7 grams of salt now is part of my late breakfast - additionally to the salt I eat over the day. Thats what I actually eat two eggs for - to get the extra dose of salt into my body.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-03-22 at 08:53 AM.
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