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Old 01-02-22, 06:15 PM   #4171
CTD - it's not just a job
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That is the kind of stuff we want / need, Kal_Maximus_U669. Good detail. Thank you. This is our 2nd release with the Cachalot, counting the Preview version, and we were probably too close (I say I say, thass a joke, son) to the model to notice things like that.

I do not understand why the gun isn't textured, but maybe others are seeing that on the 3" deck guns on their boats early? Either that, or they just used some new, deep gloss, deep black paint on it, and the Chief of the Boat is now a happy person... ?? The comm tubes are already handled by vickers03, and we have just the person to attempt to add that cable aft - if it is really supposed to be there. The front will be a pinch tougher to handle, but we'll manage. Thank you again for those.

Now, as to the Holiday Inn Express, again, I say "Thas a joke, I say a joke, son":

that is one of many commercials of theirs that played on US TV 15-20 years ago.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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