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Old 12-15-21, 12:55 PM   #3
CTD - it's not just a job
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There are shore guns in FotRSU, but they don't come on-line until September 1942:

April / May 1942, I would suspect that your SD was not on (T key), and a Zero came along, or maybe a Pete and landed a 100kg bomb on your boat. If it had been a Betty or Mavis, they would hit you some more until you cried. Your crew didn't spot them, and only having the one bomb, the plane buzzed-off as your TC came to 1x. Either that, or a patrol craft of one form or another was nearby and sent some rounds at you. Usually speaking though, they would follow-up the attack, and be attempting to chase you. Either way, if your crew doesn't spot them, you will not drop out of TC. In that situation, you only drop out when the damage is done. The higher the TC, the worse it gets. Just remember that at 1024xTC, each second is actually over 17 minutes of game time. While the computer is in control of the game, it does not drop instantaneously. You can travel quite a distance at 9 knots in 17 minutes, and no longer have something in visual contact, if you ever did have visual... Do not travel during daylight hours on the surface at high TC when in enemy territory. In fact, there will be no investigation, this will go directly to trial and you will be found guilty of negligence and endangerment in a courts martial hearing. Find yourself a good JAG, or prepare thyself for keel-hauling as punishment. You had standing orders from ComSubsAF concerning this....

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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