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Old 11-17-21, 06:29 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
I am definitely NOT a Blender guru. A geek maybe, since it facinates me and I do keep trying, but I do not comprehend 3D. Probably because my depth perception is borked (tic). Who knows. It just does not stick in my grey matter. The pictures are now missing in this old post, but it is generally easy enough to understand:

Import/export 3D models to/from game using S3D from skwasjer, the S3D author

Not having re-read it, but from my memory (look-out! low-flying plane!!!), you might have to un-check the quotes on the texture file name... ?? you might want to export the uv file, or rebuild it when finished with your regular obj edits. You have to link to the texture once in Blender, which I am not remembering how right now, but it is at least a two step process... every time I go to use Blender though, I have to use YouTube and search for a video for what I am trying to do, and specifically for my version of Blender, which is v2.8, and it takes me days sometimes to accomplish anything, other than a mess... I speak Korean better than I speak Blender, and all my Korean is from Taekwondo... Kima Sogi!!! (some say kimo jahsay) "OWWW!!!" Notice also, that I cannot write Korean... Anyway, I pestered kapuhy no end for my last edits, and most of my troubles were solved when he suggested getting rid of the "smoothing" in the import and export dialogs in Blender. It did take me a while to find them though...
Appreciate the view, but the other ships don't have the same problem, so imho, import/export might not the culprit here.

Originally Posted by kapuhy View Post
I'm using different version of Blender but:

- seems you have texture view switched on, if no texture is linked texture view will display object in uniform color so this might be the cause. Note when importing .obj files exported from S3D Blender does not automatically link the texture to meshes, you have to do it manually.

Edit: to check if this is your issue, switch to Solid view - if you see shading then, it will be the issue above.

- For some reason, superstructure walls are not displaying. It might be that you have not exported everything (if these walls are in different subset or object), or there's a problem with normals facing the wrong way (which would cause the faces not to display if you have Backface Culling on).
Hey kapuhy,

if blender cannot find the texture, the model will be magenta in color, which is not the case here.

Yes, I haven't load everything since this ship has like 125 parts

Originally Posted by Alex.B View Post
It's hard to tell without seeing the settings.
Overdid it with the light setting? Try to remove all the lights.
Or is it a texture issue.

my screenshot
Hey alex.b,

I thought it's a light issue at first but no. If uncheck ambient occlusion in render properties, the problem is somewhat lifted, but when I tried to render the model, I only get a black result.

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