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Old 11-13-21, 06:26 AM   #1
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About the graphics and making all arrangements to make them compatible with M1TP2 it is my opinion that this may only benefit D3D which is currently unplayable on my win10 64bit and Nvidia GTX card. So therefore I need to run on Glide. And that is basically it.

Here is what is interesting to me atm. Gameplay and how they represented various battledrills as this is what I am learning from the M1TP2 manual and then hearing from the other sources on the internet is the most fundamental component of successful tactics on the tank platoon level. The center of my interest is to try to find and extract the information according to which the battles and battledrills are played out at NTC.

As I have mentioned earlier that most of the battles in M1TP2 are scripted from the rather very simple and totally readable in English text file describing all of the global conditions, spawning information, formations and tasks, and goals for the scenario. I see those files in the Battles subfolder and can read and play and modify them easily. They are for Armor, Player, NATO and Gulf single battle and tutorial scenarios.

However, this is not how the NTC and eventually perhaps campaigns are scripted or generated. They appear to be randomly generated and not scripted although it is my belief that at some point that format of the typical scripted scenario is produced (possibly in memory) and the AI is taking the cue from there. If that could be apprehended and analyzed then not only those Battledrills could be played out (and that is another possibly interesting possibility) on the battlefield and observed and modified to understand fully what is the best gameplay options for Blue as well Red side in this game.

Other things may transpire from that as well.
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