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Old 11-05-21, 12:54 PM   #10
Kapitan.z.S Hartmann
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11/28/1938 Gulf of Valencia, 41° 7'N, 4° 11'E (3877 CH) 28th day at sea

Ship 44 has been busy since entering the Gulf on the 22nd of November. In the late evening of the 22nd a small steamer was sighted and at 16:10 Ship 44 decamouflaged and hoisted battle ensign. At 16:11 Fkpt Hartmann ordered the I. Gunnery Officer Kplt(V) Byer to open fire. Cannons VIII, IX, and X opened fire at 8000m, closing the range to 3000m Ship 44 fired 14 salvos obtaining hits on the superstructure, bridge, engine room, and funnel. At 16:19 the ship slowed and eventually stopped. The Kommandant decided against sending a boarding commando aboard as the ship was mostly on fire, 2 lifeboats (Nr. III and V) were sent to rescue the crew all crewmembers were rescued and brought aboard the raider. The master Captain L.R Garcia gave a brief statement to the Kommandant: “The Pinto departed Odessa, USSR on November 9th loaded with ammunition, army/air force equipment, and misc. cargo”.
The first success of Ship 44 was the Spanish Republican freighter PINTO 2,427 grt (AZTO) from Odessa, USSR-Barcelona.
The following morning a British task force was sighted Numerous destroyers, and at least 2 freighters The Navigation Officer L.z.S Schneider, identified the 2 larger vessels as the HMS London and HMS Dorsetshire. At 12:20 another Spanish Republican freighter was spotted at 12:26 range 4000m Ship 44 decamouflaged and hoisted her battle ensign, she signaled “Stop immediately, do not use wireless, sending boat”. The vessel complies and the main radio room reports no distress signals on the 500m, 600m, or 650m wavelengths. A boarding commando under Oblt.z.S Schmidt boarded the vessel and determining that nothing of value could be taken, evacuated the crew, and 170 lbs. of scuttling charges placed aboard in the holds and engine room. These do little more than cause the ship to settle again Hartmann ordered the artillery to finish off the ship, cannons IX and X open fire, 8 salvos (16 HE rounds) send the freighter to the bottom. The freighter was the NORTE 5,929 grt (GCFH) from Odessa-Valencia loaded with army stores and equipment. 105 prisoners aboard. Later that day another enemy ship was sighted the French tanker BONAAT 10,316 grt (ZTLO) from Toulon-Tampico, Mexico. The freighter was not stopped, only friendly greetings exchanged. 15:15 Mtr.O.Gfr Weber on the fore crosstrees reported to the Bridge, “Feindlicher frachter in sicht mit 351°T 3000m, Spanische republikansische flagge vom mast! 2 minutes later Ship 44 rang out 4 salvos from cannons VI and VIII the freighter was hit 7 times in the engine room and bridge the freighter turns to port and explodes, a cutter (Nr. I) is sent away to rescue survivors 15 were saved including 2 officers. It is later determined that the Master, 3 officers, and 49 sailors went down with ship. The freighter FRESNO 6,393 grt (KDNC) again from Odessa-Cartagena loaded with ammunition. For the next 5 days no shipping has been sighted, The Kommandant will retain the disguise of the English ship. 118 prisoners are now aboard. Hartmann plans to transfer them to the freighter Kybfels which has departed La Spezia, Italy on November 27th.

"The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him" Sun Tzu

Kapitan.z.S Hartmann's (U-35,U-46-U-204-U-332-U-256-U-293, U-838, U-830, U-834, U-1188, U-1180, U-835, U-840, U-839, Schiff 44 “AFRIKA”, Schiff 77 "Stortebecker", "Schiff 66 "WOLF", Schiff 19, Schiff 30) motto: Eastward Ho!
"Be more aggressive"

Schiff 30 wird sie alle versenken!

Last edited by CPTLTJASON; 07-08-23 at 06:20 PM.
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