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Old 08-23-21, 02:20 PM   #5
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If you use those of the listed mods that turn the environment more hostile and the enemies more potent and numerous, you will like to have some helping hands around. Some of those enemy mods really turn up the volume. It becomes a war zone.

I tend to establish bases outside the pre-set places allowed by the game, the Conquest Build New Settlement mod allows that. I tend to cheat a lot, because building a new castle, garrison, whatever is most of the fun, and as I said: the environment can become very hostile with these mods, you also get a lot of loot if you survive and do not let others survive. For example there is a parking house east of the Commons that I like to build in. Nothing is better than to have a little turtle bunker to turtle in, well protected. Feels cozy. Feels likehome.

I also like to use Abarnathy farm, and equip the settlers there, reinfoce their place, and give them additional guards.

Well, the possibilities are endless. I m ostky play sneaky, stealthy, hiding and using silenced sniper rifles.

There are more mods I use, I did only list those with really decisive changes on the gameplay and general feel. I tend to cheat for additonal guards in bases, and tend to have them kind of uniform per place. For exmaple this place only this kind of cloathing or armour and this or that type of weapons only. Collecting the needed stuff if part of my gameplay.

I also sometimes trigger an onslaught of the AI with 8x8 hostiles, in an urban place at night, and then its hide and seek and cats and mice all night long. Great fun.

Go for the Jetpack early. Its a life insurrance, and also gives you access to a complete new world - that world several floors above your usual playing ground.

Check the mods carfully. Some of them come with setup menus you want to carefully tweak to your needs.


On the Hunter games, I play Classic since almost ten years now. I recommend to enjoy the immersion they allow, and play them as a relaxation. Do not be noisy, do not stand tall in the open, do not run around, and all in all do not do things you would not do in real hunting life as well. In COTA you must expoect to see aniumnakl aI ehaving odd and robotic, unfortunately. You kill one deer in herd, the herd flees for 20 seiocnbds,m then turns 180° and slwoly wlaks back, you klill the next, and it all repeats. If you do not stop yourself from douijng so, you can massacre the whol herd that way withoth needing to move yourself. Well. they have not fixed this since years and and they will not fix it. So, just dont do it, you have more fun that way. Shoot, kill, and then behave as if no more animals are there, harvest the torphy, leave the place and start new somewhere else. Its realistic, though not enforced by the game. Use any kind of binocular a lot, often the fur of animals is such that they are incredibly hard to spot if you do not "binucularise" them. Beware some of the species. While some can maul you in defence (elks for exmaple), others can actively hunt for you once you shot at them (wolf packs for exmaple in COTW). None of these games is perfect, but I find them very relaxing and satisfying if not trying to abuse their weaknesses and not pushing them beyond their envelope. I just allow to get immersed in the looks, especially COTW. I recommend all the reserves for it, they look different and are really beautiful. Its okay for me if I play one or two hours - and have not shot anything. Can happen. On other times I have had two dozen kills in 3 hours. Classic makes a big deal of shooting females where you shouldn'T, and using wrong callibre. COTW is far more forgiving and uncaring for these things. If you hunt for improving your statistics, use Classic. If you play for immerison and virtuality having some time in the woods for the sake of just being there, use COTW. It has its weaknesses, absolutely. But it looks beautiful, all reserves.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 08-23-21 at 02:33 PM.
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