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Old 08-20-21, 02:53 PM   #2031
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Arlo View Post
None of which (even the exaggerated part), except for the tweets, had anything to do with the actions of Trump, while 'in office.'*

*(Mar-a-lago, Trump property golf courses, on a pee pee bed.)
How unobservant are you? All of the things I listed, I did so for the purpose of illustrating exactly how stable the world actually was when he was in office.

He was brash. He was offensively honest with staffers. He got sh!t done where he could. Imagine how much better we would have been if he didn't have to deal with entrenched political resistance from Obama holdovers, lifer politicians in uniform, RINOs, the media, and communist democrats. Trump's only mistakes were in not firing every holdover he could on day one and in selecting people who turned out to be backstabbers.

We don't need polished, effete elitist political class-types running government. We need people who get things done. We don't need media with a clear bias. We need reporters who investigate, regardless of whether a D or R is after a politician's name. We're don't need career pols. We're need people who get no perks or lifetime benefits to getting re-elected.

As to the piss dossier - it's been thoroughly disproven. Unlike Hunter's multiple lost laptops and pics of him smoking crack and molesting underage girls.

The reason they Hunter laptop was hidden away? Because it is true and damning, and it means the "The Big Guy" is wide open to blackmail from other governments.
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