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Old 08-20-21, 02:24 PM   #2027
The Old Man
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Politics became a 'sport' to so many in this nation decades ago. It's all 'rah rah my team this' and 'our candidate rules and yours drools that' in a sad spectacle of sophomoric displays that care more about party than nation. The Republicans have taken it to the extreme, having given up all precedence of forming a worthwhile platform to serve their constituents (as has become terribly obvious during this pandemic). That's not to say that Democrats, individually, are good public servants, one and all ... but, as a party, their progressive ideology obviously centers on the working class and general well-being of the nation. Where Republicans are reflecting that the party is merely a political extension of a wealthy and powerful white ruling class that feels threatened by anything that might balance the scales of justice, equality or social fairness. White Christian male supremacy is their brand of preferred culture and fear their driving force.

Was it always this way? Of course not. Any student of history can see the shift that began in the twentieth century. Even in Eisenhower's time in office moderate Republicans were struggling to reign in extremism that had infested their party. Now, however, an actual Republican 'public servant' is hard to find. The 'what-aboutism' mindset of the GOP is quicker to look for fault in their Democratic, Liberal colleagues than to address their own glaring faults. That has become their apparent sole function in office and is a shame.

Being brought up in the sixties and having served during the Cold War, I never thought I'd see Republican politics devolve to:

But Trump era politics easily ushered it in, revealing the twisted nature of its peculiar base's psychology.

I don't want to hear false 'Americanism' from people like that.
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