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Old 08-11-21, 06:04 PM   #3745
CTD - it's not just a job
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Originally Posted by SirMoric View Post
Love the MOD!

But two (three, I added one) things are nagging me.

I spotted a task force, and reported it.... that gave me a new mission, namely damage said task force.
Now problem is, I was behind the task force, which was going 20 kts away from my position.... and I'm in an S-boat. I have no chance of ever catching it, and since the mission sits in the task list, and I cannot complete it..... I cannot get any more missions.
Is there a way to forfeit missions that are unsolvable to get new ones?

Diving during day and surfacing during night, with a dip here and there to listen on the sonar (S-boat). Can that task be automated? I'm constantly pressing "s" and "p".

I'm sad I don't get any credit, or notification, for ships I have damaged. I sank a Kongo class on my first mission.... spent 8 torps sinking the guy, which seems excessive.... a few weeks later another Kongo class shows up, and my remaining 4 torps only damage him.... but noone cares when I get home
1. If using the "Contact Report", you might be given an Objective, but they are not considered as "Primary" or "Secondary" Objectives, and are not worth as many points as your normal assignment (s). They also do not prevent you from getting another assignment, other than maybe another Contact Report, but if there are other "active" assignments within the proper distance (mission and DynamicMiss dependent), then a Status Report should assign you another mission. One thing to remember about these "Objectives" given, is that they are worth (generally) no more than 300 renown points, sometimes more, sometimes less, but you can "earn" more points by sinking enemy ships. What I usually do, is plan a route to my patrol assignment, and hunt on the way there, unless I have a "Proceed immediately to..." assignment, and I will head there first, and then hunt somewhere. But say you've been given northern Hokkaido as your patrol area. I would then head toward Sagami Nada outside Tokyo bay, coming in by Lot's Wife, and hang around that area for a few days, hopefully sink a ship or two, and then vacate the area, then head north along the coast, checking out some areas off of harbors maybe, but usually just cruising parallel to the coast but in deep water, checking say Sendai and Miyako, maybe nosing into Tsugaru Strait, but being mindful of the possibility of mines. Eventually working my way up to my patrol area. If you are assigned say the area off of Suruga Bay, or Myoko Bay, then you could start north and work your way south. Same thing with the Solomons. You might be assigned Ironbottom Sound, but there is nothing keeping you from heading for the Shortland Basin on the way (other than airplane activity). If you find any US submarine order examples on line, they usually had very specific routing orders, with "patrol 5 days in the first area, proceeding thence to 2nd area and patrol there for 5 days, concentrating on the traffic lanes between point A and point B"... the game does not penalize you for "failing" to complete missions. It does not have that capacity. The closest it gets is giving you negative renown for sinking a neutral or friendly ship.

2. I wish it could, but then we'd be on auto-pilot and high TC for most of the game, and then complain about getting sunk by a Betty with radar... lol

3. That is part of the game mechanics, and from all appearances, there is no way around that issue...

Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Ahoy propbeanie...
As for the NULL, yeah that was on the ''Mission Orders'' load screen, after clicking on the map in the office. I did send ya, via DM a snap shot of that screen... by the way.

Ok, after grabbing a bit of sleep, have that set for you to be able to d/l & look at. Check your DM here propbeanie...
I think we found the issue, as previously stated, though it was a total of three typos in the two files for the mission, and not just one... sort of like a land mine tied to two others... sigh. If we can at least get this ST Radar to NOT bomb the Observation Periscope while out on patrol 1 Jan 1945, we'll try to get the next release out the door, which has that mission fixed...

Originally Posted by Torpex77 View Post
"We thank you for thanking us, by golly! (Long Live Silent Hunter - the original!!!) The sounds you are referring to are "Creaks_Level1.wav", Creaks_Level2.wav", "Creaks_Level3.wav" and "Creaks_Level4.wav", found in the Data Sound folder. If I remember correctly, "1" starts and PD, the 2 at like 100-120, and I forget where 3 & 4 kick in. But the last two especially sound like the tube is getting twisted into a pretzel... lol - Those are, for the most part, what was with the original MadMax FOTRS mod, other than being turned down in level a bit, and all shortened to be less that 15 (actually, 14 to be "safe") seconds in time. If you exceed 15 seconds by any slice of a microsecond, you will introduce sound issues into the game. The background ambient sounds can be just about any length, while any FX files have to be less that 15 seconds. Do what you want with the files, but it will cost you! You have to share what you make... lol"

Awesome...Thanks for the pointers! May I ask what you suggest would be a good sound editor?
I will be happy to share them back to you.
Though somewhat difficult to work with, Audacity can do the job. You just have to "Export As..." and MS Wav to get the proper format. Just be sure you use 16-bit 44.1kHz for your format. I am somewhat partial to my old old old Sony Sound Forge v9, in spite of having a newer version from a Vegas Pro purchase a while ago...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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