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Old 08-06-21, 07:23 PM   #7852
The Old Man
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Originally Posted by 3catcircus View Post
Religious concerns aside, the entire world has gone about this the wrong way. All that has been done with lockdowns, masks, distancing is extending the duration. Whether it is who gets sick or who dies, the total number will be the same in the end.

Every other coronavirus that makes people sick with a cold started out like this one - once it killed a bunch of people, it mutated to the point that it is just a cold. The last coronavirus in the late 1800s took 2 years to become endemic. I fear all we've done is extend that time to much much longer for this coronavirus.
Unfortunately, you have no inkling of how combatting viruses works but are somehow convinced your ignorance is insight, claiming the complete opposite of a sane, rational conclusion.

My mother contracted all known forms of polio a mere year before Salk's vaccine was released to the general public. This was when she was ten years old. It left her confined to a wheelchair, needing a rigid, clamshell fiberglass full torso back brace to be able to sit upright. The strength in her arms was quite limited and she was nearly quadriplegic. Never-the-less, she persevered, married, had what all the doctors in her region agreed (after the fact) was a miraculous pregnancy and (c section) delivery, did all the duties that any other wife and mother could accomplish (as a military spouse then in civilian life, as well) and maintained as much independence as she could manage in her lifetime (transportation on the road in a sidecar driven motorcycle that nobody had to help her board and operate, etc.).

The children that suffered alongside her didn't always fair so well. There were always a percentage of those that died but among survivors there were a growing percentage of those that required the use of an iron lung for the remainder of their lifetimes. There were also some that did not have as severe symptoms that were left with little to no side effects from their experience.

Any who might suggest letting nature take its course and allowing natural selection to kill off the weak until 'herd immunity' was achieved were categorized as ignorant and cruel. Salk's vaccine was rightfully heralded as a modern medicine miracle (that was desperately needed).

As were the vaccines for Small Pox, Whooping Cough, Typhoid Fever, Measles, Yellow Fever, Cholera, Diphtheria and so forth. Mandatory vaccination to prevent large scale outbreaks in schools and the military has existed for over two centuries. I certainly had to go through a battery of shots prior to deployment.

I blame the internet for this widespread embracing of militant ignorance (as well as insulation of people from the need of society versus the misplaced wants of self - even when it comes to the responsibility to their own children). While it's true that no one person can be an expert in all things scientific, medical or otherwise, in all things historical, recent or ancient, in all things political, in any and all ideologies; it seems the most ignorant of humanity tries to express themselves as such on the internet behind the comfort of anonymity be it on forums that actually deal with such matters or forums devoted to online games or human perversions of various nature.

I sincerely regret having found this and a couple of other threads on Subsim and having said my say will attempt to avoid this apparently inevitable underside of discussion that seems part of every forum in existence online (pretending that all my fellow Subsimmers are actually not driven to such vitriolic behavior in public).


Last edited by Arlo; 08-06-21 at 07:32 PM.
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