Originally Posted by variable122
I am having issues trying to edit SH5 submarine .sim files with goblin editor since I have installed TWOS MOD (Steam Version). The specific issue I get is the "You don't have the actor DLLs for the following controller types: interiorEffectsManager ShipDamageState SpecialAbilitiesCtrl WaterReflection cmdr_aIHumanSub obj_Turret unit_Submarine wpn_SubTorpedoSys Please get the appropriate actor DLLs." I have set up my two links in the options menu of goblin editor. Not sure if there are other options I am missing. I would appreciate assistance or further guidance.
Look here in "configuring Goblin" part:
Edit: sorry, just read you've done that... I can't think of anything else to cause this error besides perhaps typo in the paths you've entered...