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Old 06-13-21, 01:06 PM   #1341
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
Pretty close to how I feel about it as well. On one side I believe people had a right to peaceably protest. As for those who broke the law they are to be held accountable for their action. As for Trump, once the electoral college submitted their vote, he should have accepted it as it were a commandment from god himself. By not doing so I believe he brought discredit to our nation, system of governence and the time honored peaceful transition of power. In my book he really screwed the pooch by not quietly stepping aside.
I think that just going along with what you believe to be cheating "for the good of the country" is exactly opposite of good for the country. Nixon did that and we ended up with Kennedy and Johnson who, although presented as clean-cut nice guys, were a bunch of politically corrupt scum.

We *need* candidates who are willing to challenge the existing political machine because it's so entrenched, it's the only way to end the way the US is run by a cabal of Washington elites and oligarchs.

We need to do away with big government in any form - regardless of party - if it means a few things get broken and a few pols get scared, it's probably worth it. In fact - pols *should* be and *need to be* scared of their constituents. Else we get what we have now with them in office for decades doing nothing for their constituents while lining their own pockets.

A few people who broke some things and farted in Pelosi's chair doesn't even come close to the antifa-blm violence. Additionally, it *looks* like those actually down breaking down doors and windows are dressed in "black Bloc" - aka antifa, yet law enforcement seems to be none too urgent in investigating that aspect. Instead, they're worried about little old ladies wandering the halls of Congress...
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