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Old 06-10-21, 01:05 PM   #3545
Mr Quatro
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Eichhörnchen View Post
I sometimes think even a movie scriptwriter wouldn't believe my life:

I was just sat in the ASDA car park for over an hour waiting for Moira and Lawrence, and although I'm still jittery about having the windows wound down with other people around it was so hot that I had little choice. I've learned how to keep away from people most of the time but here I am, listening to the radio, when just seconds before the other two return and I can make my getaway there's a vagrant at my car window (upwind) asking me for my spare change
I'm the same way and yes they can sneak up on you ... I had just finished eating a nice lunch of a Mexican taco plate that I couldn't finish (it was so big) at a nice restaurant (paid for by my pastor by the way) and as we were leaving the restaurant with the carry out doggie bag still in my hands a street person shows up before we could get in his car and asked for change. So I just gave him the whole thing (it was heavy too) and he said, "thanks".

A year later my pastor said to his church lets take up an offering for Mr Quatro. I was more than compensated with love.

Originally Posted by Aktungbby View Post
Remember to be charitable now that U R a "desirable artist". I used to keep all my loose quarters in a small can on the passenger side of my patrol Corolla for parking meters in San Francisico. Since the meters now only use credit cards, I use the quarters to bribe any indigent sidewalk dwellers to not break into my wheels when on a call in the city: usually $2-3...cheaper than a broken window, such as happened one night on graveshift duty at my Appeals Court post! My Xmas gift for my captain was stolen out of the back seat! Whoever got it enjoyed Cutty Sark whisky in two engraved glasses!
The Bible says that we should give to everyman that asks ... I've only encountered a few that ask for more than change or food.

The Bible also says that we should not forget to entertain strangers for some have entertained angels unawares.

Hebrews 13:2

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares"
pla•teau noun
a relatively stable level, period,
or condition a level of attainment
or achievement

Lord help me get to the next plateau ..

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