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Old 04-07-21, 05:23 PM   #1224
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An angry and sarcastic piece on the CDU's chancellor hopeful, Mr. Laschet, a gasbag as defined in dictionary. Funny to read in German at least, and very, very, very true. If the CDU makes him the candidate, they can stop participating in the elections right now, because then they will get sunk. Germans despise him by majority, nobody of sane senses trusts him anymore.

He is extremely unpopular even within his own party, but the party bosses want to push him through against the delegates 70+% majority that is against him, because he is a Merkel boy, or so they think, and most likely would continue Merkel's lines. The alternative is Mr. Söder by the smaller Bavarian sister party CSU, whom the CDU heads want to prevent, because they cannot make themsleves accept that Söder is - far - more popular than their own man - and is the one canddiate of all parties Germans currently would prefer as chancellor. I see him only as the least terrible of all terrible options.

The SPD's Olaf Scholz, an economically clueless turncoat of the worst kind who has shown his lack of principles and honesty repeatedly in his so-called career and unfortunately has a teflon skin, probably has little chances to become chancellor, so are the chances of the SPD to win. But the race is open between the CDU/CSU - if they nominate Söder - and the Greens, which for the first time ever announced their claim for the chancellor's office and are just 2 or 3% behind the CDU/CSU, whcih currentl yis in open fall due to their absolutely horrifying Corona management. The Greens plan to announce their candidate this month, it will either be this carricature of a male being, Robert Habeck, or Annalena Baerbock, an ice-cold, unscrupulous and power-hungry dragonlady of unfortunately quite some political skill who indeed has the needed "iceness" to win the race for the top seat in Berlin. There is a very realistic chance that the Greens could win the next national election. Unfortunately they have a very private-property hostile party program of extreme left-leanign tendency, cannto get enough of Germany financing the EU debts, and think the economic destruction done by the climate goals and Corona are still not enough, they must be multiplied and the economic and energy basis of Germany must be destroyed - not by intention they claim to have, of course, but by consequences they will cause if they get it their way . Also, plenty of planned economy ideas, market hostility and migrant and gender quotas they they want. The chances of the Greens being able to turn their party program into political guidelines for all Germany, are terrifyingly big, because they would seek coalition with the SPD-Reds, probably even the SED-Reds. But so is the outlook of more of the Merkel party. Plague, Anthrax or Cholera, that are the choices, and all of them are lethal. In other words, there are no choices for those who want to live a sane life, free life. I think the best would be to set Berlin aflame and burn it down, its a hopelessly run-down city with a totally incompetent ultra-red senate anyway.

I give the link to the Google translation as well, but it probably looses some of the bitter sarcasm. Sarcasm it may be, but again: it is so very and bitterly true. That man is a huge quantity of nothing.
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Last edited by Skybird; 04-07-21 at 05:58 PM.
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