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Old 03-17-21, 02:21 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Eichhörnchen View Post
I got the book "The Salt Fix" on Skybird's recommendation and have also read about the benefits of iodine in the diet

Currently our sugar-free diet is still going well; I sweeten my tea and coffee with 'stevia' plant extract and Moira is also able to use this to produce sugar-free cakes and other confections
Two notes.

I found Stevia to be something that needs to get used to, it has a strong own taste, whose intensity varies with different quality grades of the product.

If you find that to be a concern, too, I would encourage you to also test Ethylit. Google it, it is uncritical regarding any health concerns, and has a more natural taste like sugar, but a "cooling" taste to it. Its sweetness is 65-70% that of sugar, but practically zero calories (othger sweeteners all have calories, just5 not as many as sugar).

Xylit also is a good option, thogh Ethylit imo is even better.

The sweetener that is most closely to sugar imo is Aspartam, but it is being debated if and to what degree it is a health hazard, or not. Just saying, in taste and sweetness Aspartam is the best and I cannot differentiate it form sugar. I do not use it, however.

Second, iodine, I hope you do not just ran into the adventure with closed eyes. As I have said several times, taking Selenium together with it, is a must. Capsules usually have 200-220mcgr, whcih is okay. Daily dose not higher than 400 mcgr, please.

Also you should have checked your tyroid status, to be sure there is no organic deformation already present that indicates you already have problems there. Finally, please start with small doses, and slowly increase them over time. Maybe I exaggerated it, but I went by these steps, each of them taking 7-10 days: 200mcgr, 400 mcgr, 600mcgr, 900 mcgr, 1.2 mg, 1.5 mg, 3 mg, 6 mg, 12 mg, 19 mg. I then jumped to 38 mg for three months exactly, and felt some detoxification issues that I adressed wiht high doses of B2, B3 and Q10 - problem solved wihtin 12 hours, as if a button was pushed. I am now on 25 mg.

Expect your TSH being raised, and T3 and T4 maybe beign chnaged, too, and it will stay that way for quite some time. That is good, but your doctor may frown his eye brows and tell you it isn't. He most likely will be wrong then, it must be like that. It mreans youir NIS symporters ar ebeeing build and your brain has noticed that ther eis more idoine in yoru system now, so it must bring the symporters - the logistic network that disrtibute id9one in your body, in your iorgans, in your cells - into a functional state - it has spend the past decades in hibernaiton and is most likely in a poor state. That the body does this is indicated by higher productiuon of TSH. It must be so! It means" green lights". As long as you do not suffer from any other health issues at least.

Find a health practitioner who a.) knwos the way of the Iodine , and b.) who can arrange an iodine loading test. Not a simple iodine urine test, that has practically no information value, but an iodine loading test, or mayb eoyu clal it exretion test, I am not certain. You take 50 mg, and then see over 24 hours how much idone the body gives away again: the more you pee out again, the better your iodine status already is. Here in Germany, these tests still are not known by most doctors and labs. In the US it is by now clinical standard, I read.

Don'T want to alarm you, really, just want to make sure that although iodine is quite safe to use you you treat it with respect, not with just blindly seeking adventure.

Did you like the salt book? I am really curious to learn what people think of it, when they got the complete picture. Its a history lesson on quite some broken, corrupted science, isn't it.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-17-21 at 02:31 PM.
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