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Old 02-15-21, 06:36 PM   #99
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Gold prices soaring has been predicted since years, and while it went up a bit, it failed to do so at the ammounts predicted. States and central banks will not allow it to happen, since it would be a most obvious non-confidence vote for the paper currencies Dollar and Euro and all the other illusory payment tokens.

I take it for granted that the prices for gold get very heavily manipulated to keep them in check. That last but not least also means manipulation of demand bny strategically buying and selling huge deposits of gold, and paper market destraction operations, to call them this way. At leats in the West. Russia for exmaplek seems to play it much more serious , so do a number of Asien states. They try to disconnect from the dollar and indeed hold their gold, most of it, even increase it.

Before they let it go that high in price, they will prohibit private ownerhsip. Solidarity, social justice and the common good and all those phrases, you know. Hyperinflation as the ounsihement for sutpid finance politics must be taken by all, even by those trying to save themsleves by beign more intelligent and rosnsibkle: by trying to get prepared. It cannot be that these do not show their solidarity with the stupids and escape the havoc: by havign been prepared by their own means ans repsnsiblity. Self-responsibility? Where would it lead if we allow self-responsibility...??

If the price would not be manipulated, I am quite certain it would stand already somewhere between 7000 and 14000 Dollars - if not even significantly more.

Instead, they allowed many other paper stuff bubbles to form up again, and the property market is hopelessly overheated. They are the price for keeping "trust" in paper currency. In the US, people live to much wider degrees on credit, than over here, and if you tlak of saving, you almopst get aliughed at. But Corona maybe will end that. Many private households are drownign in different debts of theirs for different credit card companies. those holding mortages for small homes and not ebing able tom pay them - good night.

The high prices wealthier people accept to pay for certain stocks and property, only illustrate one thing: how desperately everybdoy seeks for a way to preserve his savings and converting his paper currency "welath" into somethign material of real welath (=bartering power), and not beeing punished for owning paper currency by having to pay "negative interest". As if something like negative interest could even exist. By the meaning of the term "interest", it must always be positive. Interests are positive by defintion. Else they are no interests.

All these things have been pushed (perverted) to way too clever standards. We are too clever. And its our witty, super-bright cleverness that will destroy us.

The times are near when many people will learn the bitter lesson that paper currency and cryptocurrency will not by them stuff to eat, and stuff of real value. Because then nobody will give away something for nothing.

I admit I am very worried, and afraid. A lot of savings will be lost, with all the consequences for your and my higher age savings and life expectancy cuts. And no ordinary man will escape from it - only those at the top of the food chain who are responsible for this decades-long mulling of penultimate desaster. The hyperinflation of the 20s last century, was regional, becasue the potics causign it were regional. Today these things havbe been piushed to global dimensions, and so the desaster will unfold globally. Thats why I wnat pltlkicians beign keot at an ultra-short line, and am agaunst big state and super-national political organisations. I somebody messes it up on this scale, the entire planet is affected, not just one region. Power to the local regions! And keep it there! And keep any taxes there, too! And make any relation between state and citizen a law contract that can be sued for in case of violation! Hold polticla amdinstrators perosnally accountable with their private wealth and property! Do not accept decision-makers exemtping themselves from the consequences of their decisions! Same for corporation managers!

"I take the political responsibility" today is just an empty phrase that means nothing.The yget away with whatever it was. Thjey cna keep their wins and gains. They miust not comepnsate, they must not fear court punsihement, and they can even return from another direction, and continue. "They are accepting resposibility?" They explicitly refuse to do so.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-16-21 at 04:07 AM.
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