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Old 02-04-21, 08:27 PM   #7
les green01
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don't rush in get much of a picture has you can if its a convoy or single if convoy or multi-ship how is the escorts acting how much light is showing early years no radar don't get glue to the uzo a u-boat is low in the water can be hard to spot if done right you can get into the middle of the convoy then stand on it fire at juicy targets all eels without turning but when them eels starts nailing the targets all cane going break out just watch out for merchants with deck guns sometimes the escorts will fire at you and hit the merchants or each other but have a escape plan ready never i repeat never dive unless you have too and if you do dive has soon has your under do a hard rudder over them escorts going be looking where you went under and the direction you was going if done right you be out of the area they going be looking and don't stay under longer than you need too
I'll tell you what bravery really is. Bravery is just determination to do a job that you know has to be done.
Audie Murphy
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