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Old 01-30-21, 04:37 PM   #281
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves View Post
You know there will be MANY posts calling you a conspiracy nut now.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you...

In all seriousness - we've had election shenanigans in the US probably going all the way back to George Washington's time.

Its only now that we have sufficient technology access to see real-time and near-real-time election results to actually be able to prove it. We've seen commentary from people involved in monitoring shady elections in african nations who are 100% certain that fraudulent elections occurred here.

Let's look at the various claims of election problems:

1. The easiest one - that ballots were allowed to be turned in that weren't legal because they weren't cast by the person who the ballot was provided for. This is very simple - compare the signature on the ballot to the one in the book. Does it match?
2. Claims of late ballots. It isn't hard if the mail-in ballot's postmark is past the election date to throw it out.

3. Claims of interference in the process for mail-in ballots to allow late ballots. It is crystal clear that only a legislature can change election processes in their state. Executive orders were issues in some states to change the process. It matters not one iota if it was done because of covid. In fact - we're already starting to see court rulings on this - the VA change was recently ruled illegal.
4. Claims that poll-watchers weren't allowed to see the counts or fraudulent activities took place that forced poll-watchers from the counting locations. Thousands of affidavits can't all be wrong when they are all claiming this happened.
5. Claims of counting of machine-filled-in ballots. Produce those ballots so they can be examined - anyone who has ever taken a standardized test on a Scantron form knows how impossible it is to perfectly circle in every bubble on the form.

6. Claims of ballot counts that are statistically impossible. Mathematicians and economists have commented on the would not-could not way that the counts suddenly prompt jumped for Biden while not statistically also increasing for Trump. Whether due to a bunch of illegal ballots or due to counting machine errors - doesn't matter - its still a statistical impossibility.
7. Claims of weighted counting - this can only be done if the counting machine software is specifically configured to do so.
8. Claims of dead people and out of state voters casting ballots. Seems pretty simple.
9. Claims that vote counts were tallied incorrectly when machines jammed and weren't reset properly.

Each individual anomaly listed above is unlikely to affect the outcome of an election. When you add the effect of unintentional errors and intentional interference, it still is unlikely to affect the outcome if it is randomly distributed across the entire country. That these all happened in *specific* states and that the authorities in those states refused to hear evidence in court because of "procedural errors" or "lack of standing" and authorities have already destroyed ballots and wiped counting machines should concern anyone, regardless of political affiliation.

How is it that Florida managed to get their counting done with no claims of interference within hours of the polls closing? Perhaps its because they fired the incompetents, revamped their processes, and actually monitored things ever since the 2000 election? The governor actually did his job and fired a board of elections supervisor in 2018 for being crooked and incompetent.

The *only* way to fix what is an entirely broken system is to do the following:

1. Zero out all voter rolls in every district in the entire country. Make *everyone* re-apply for a voter registration. Do it in person so signatures can be recorded.
2. Require companies making voting machines and vote tally machines to provide full source code, with all comments, for audit.
3. Go through every single claim of voting fraud from this past November - force discovery and the entering of evidence into the record - including witness affidavits and expert witness testimony.
4. Eliminate gerrymandering completely.
5. Actually monitor board of elections supervisors and get rid of those that are lazy, incompetent, or crooked.

6. Term limits for Congress - 2 x 4 years for senators, 3 x 2 years for representatives. No jumping from representative to senator when you reach your term limit.
7. Force the media to report objectively when they claim to be news and not editorial, regardless of who is running for election or who is in office.

If we as a nation don't do this, then there will continue to be a broken political system and political violence will only increase - when a portion of the population is 100% convinced that their candidate was robbed of an election and a chunk of them is willing to engage in violence, they aren't going to stop when some of them are arrested. Make no mistake - what happened on January 6th is likely to happen again because what no one wants to admit or fails to realize is that those that engaged in those acts of violence weren't a bunch of crazies - they're average citizens who apparently felt like they had no other choice because they likely felt that the entire system is corrupt and no one in a position of authority wants to listen to their grievances. Especially when they saw all year long the violence from those on the left that went completely unpunished. That, boys and girls, is how insurrections in 3rd-world countries start.

Had the opportunity presented itself, I'm willing to bet that the more violent of the bunch would have taken people hostage. That one of the key targets of their ire is a woman so tone-deaf that she happily showed her multi-thousand dollar freezer in her multi-million dollar home full of $20/pint ice cream, while representing a district that is nothing but abject poverty despite her being in office for decades supposedly making things better for them just speaks volumes as to what those rioters saw as exactly what is wrong with their elected representatives. Until elected officials actually do what is supposed to be their whole reason for being elected instead of focusing on getting re-elected to keep their gravy train running, things are going to continue to deteriorate.
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