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Old 12-24-20, 02:47 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by chevelle505 View Post
I agree, I just hope they expand the subs interior enough to be able to “walk around” to a few compartments, even something as simple as a free camera inside and outside the sub, different ports to dock at, and a free roam mode where you can go explore the polar ice caps if you want, or run from the pacific down around and out into the Atlantic. I just want the basic free roam ability’s to command a modern nuclear submarine to start with. That’s what Iove about UBOAT, instead of always being forced to engage in battles like an arcade game, you can just sail around and explore if you wish and focus on crew and sub management. If this turns out to allow you to do that it will be quite literally a dream come true for me!!
yeah that's what i liked about silent hunter 3, especially its weather systems and the wave simulations. it was pretty ahead of its time how immersive and realistic they were able to make it. i hope we are able to just sail and navigate. hopefully there is a conning tower view like in silent hunter 3 for when you want to experience rough seas i heard there is an external view it just won't be helpful for gameplay, which is understandable, but i really do enjoy the detail they put on the models. especially from the trailer where the akula had all these plating, nubs, and 3 dimensional details on the hull. in cold waters they had normal mapping for these features, but it's not the same when it's flat, you can tell the difference. i always thought cold waters could have used more detail and rounded out the subs a lot more. i think modern pcs could get away with it. i much prefer some of the larger details be rendered 3 dimensionally with the smaller details being normal mapped. with modern cpu and gpu technology, i doubt it's much of a big problem. in fact i think we should push for even greater fidelity as most mid range pcs should have no difficulty
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