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Old 11-03-20, 11:34 PM   #2141
Captain Prise
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Captain Prise

Ok, to begin... I don't really think so... but.. I could well be wrong. If so, then I will state 'I stand corrected.'.

This is based on remembering what was said by fred8615, the modder that created the Pre Pearl mod for SH4... ''trying to redock, at Pearl on the day of the attack, would be a logistical nightmare.'' (paraphrasing here, so take this with a grain of mental salt, if you will...) when you consider the sheer # of aircraft of the IJN that were involved in carrying out the attack, the sheer # of ships harbored there at Pearl notwithstanding that the carriers, which were the main thrust of the attack being carried out, in the 1st place, which were not there to begin with but had they been.... yeah.. Then if you take into account the reports of there being at least possibly 2 mini subs that actually made it into the harbor... trying to mass coordinate all of that... yeesh... & you begin to understand & appreciate just why they left that out of 'their' mod.

Now, granted, all of that alone, does NOT preclude the inception of recreating other naval battles... but... even those relatively minor ones, does bring into play, if they could even be recreated, accordingly to how they played out... is it possible.. maybe... is it feasible.. again, maybe... is it advisable... that remains a good question.

That's NOT to say, it would not be nice to actually be able to be there (in game wise, at least...) or to be able to be a somewhat stand offish observer, in virtuoso reality... or would that be virtual... virtuoso, would fit... in artist manner... at least by the definition I found.

Even if it was able & was done.. would every one be able to appreciate it, much less be an active participant... considering that NOT all computers are created equally... (a particular model... ok, maybe... but given the nature of how fast 1 is considered obsolete, heck just about 100% of them are & THAT is even before the ink is dry on the blue prints ever leaving the design table...) then that would likely be a definitive NO.

That, is of course, just My own observational opinion... Hope it helps.

M. M.

Kaleun Mardigan
First of all, thanks for the great response. I wasn't expecting such an elaborate answer. I had been debating whether to go to those areas stated in the radio messages so I am glad that's cleared up.

I could only imagine how hard it would be to recreate these events in the game. I myself have a very little background in mods and editing from other games and I must say that sometimes even small things are hard to do or at least time consuming.
Hanz have the sub go deeper!
But sir..
Don't worry, she can handle the depth. We're perfectly fi....
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