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Old 10-25-20, 01:24 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Backscuttle View Post
after the very buggy release.
I feel it is important to point out that the game has never been "released" ie - it has not "gone gold" to borrow the phrase.

what has happened is, it has been provided to fund raising backers free of charge and to the general public at a very discounted price if the buyer wishes to participate in playing and help squash beta bugs.

it is extremely IMPORTANT for everyone to realize that if you are curently playing this game... you are a beta tester for all intents and purposes.
you are not playing the game... you're playing what they are developing as they develop it. thats why a patch is getting released every 30-90 days on average. they are identifying bugs, finding things wrong and incorrect and trying to fix them based off YOUR reports to them

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of folks who have downloaded this game either didnt know that, or worse they just didnt care - they paid their hard earned cash thinking this is a final product when in fact this whole time they are supposed to be commenting on the steam page and saying whats wrong, whats right, when and where a bug is encountered etc.

I have to give the dev team credit because, as they continue to complete the development of this work in progress, they are quick to address things that are laid out before them from the testers (players).

as to the original post, there is a fatal flaw when determining the speed of the target. It exists in Uboat, it exists in SHIII SHIV and SHV... by tracking the time it takes for the target to cross the cross hairs of your sub and using that time to determine target speed - this method is only ever 100% correct when you are looking at the target from a near perfect 90° angle.

the more acute or obtuse the angle of observation, the greater the parilax error associated with this method of speed calculation. this is often the reason torpedoes miss ahead or astern of a target, is because your speed estimate was gathered from some very small or very greate angle away from perfect 90°

because it is not always possible to line yourself up perfectly perpindicular to the target, as a rule of thumb i always subtract one knot if very much less than 90° viewing angle, and i add one knot if greater by much. This results in a hit almost all of the time. even with AOB being a guess based off view through the periscope.

there is a TDC mod which was developed in conjuction with B127 patch, it is not forward compatible with B128. The TDC mod turns the game into a whole other animal on par with SHIII, the modder who developed it is feverishly working on updating his TDC mod (which is amazing by the way) to bring it into compatibility with B128. When playing with his TDC, i almost never missed a shot unless the torepedo was a dud or a snapshot or i just endeted data incorrectly. I would suggest the above mentioned adding or subtracting one knot, not firing at ranges outside 1000m and downloading the TDC mod the moment it goes live for the current release.
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