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Old 10-21-20, 08:12 AM   #2036
CTD - it's not just a job
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Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
Curious. I placed the LCVP and LCVA from FOTRS into TMO. What is the basic load out for LCVA? Troops? I see the crates, jeep, oil drums are options, just wondering what the basic is for the load out.
I almost forgot that you will have to add the actual load-outs from the higgins cargo dat. The Sea cfg files, along with the eqp define the boats' / ships' characteristics, if they can carry a "loadout". You can put cargo or soldiers, or a jeep inside of the NLCVA. The LCVP is "set"... Just like other ships' loadouts, only a separate dat file for the contents. So for every 2 loads of soldiers, you might have one with a jeep, and another with crates, for their support once on the beach. It would be really nice to have a tractor or two (armed and unarmed), or even a DUKW... but how often would you see them anyway?...

Originally Posted by Privateer View Post
Found these downed airmen just south of Kiska and I was unable to rescue them. Is it a bug or intentional? I was at 1 kt and all-stop, no icon popped up. It was completely random as well, I didn't have a mission for it.
Originally Posted by torpedobait View Post
It isn't a FOTRS thing at all , in my experience. I find I can rescue any individual or raft-full of survivors who put out a pink flare, regardless of boat type, year, or area, as long as they are US, which may require a visual ID . My approach is to coast up to them within 2-3 hundred yards, bring up the Binoculars Order Bar, and use the binoculars (not the UZO) and steady the crosshairs above the survivor(s). When the crosshairs turn "red", and the speed is slow enough (2 knots is plenty) the Rescue button on the Orders Bar will light. Mouse over that button for a few seconds and the survivors should magically teleport on board. Not an easy thing to do in rough seas, by the way!

I know we get no game credit for rescuing survivors unless it is a stated objective, but it seems harsh to ignore fellow countrymen or allies and just sail off. I try to get them all.
Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
Is that a FOTRS thing? I put random survivors in waters and even though no assigned to lifeguard, can rescue them.
Not an FotRSU thing at all. Stock works the same. As torpedobait says, proper technique is required, and all I would add is that coming into the "rescue" bow-on is the "smoothest" ride, resulting in less submarine pitch and yaw, making it easier to pick-up and rescue. You can also click on that "Lifesaver" menu icon to effect the pick-up. Note also that you ~MUST~ be on the full Bridge View. No "blended" views. Since those parachutes you saw Privateer, were colored blue, that meant they were "friendly", and able to be rescued. You do not have a lifeguard mission though, so you only get the renown points, which in FotRSU is currently set to 150 points. It would certainly be nice if the game had a "hook" for a rescue though, as well as one for "damaging" a ship, but alas, no such luck...

Originally Posted by Rinaldi View Post
Thanks for the response. This was on a single contact. Let me rephrase: the contacts will not appear on Navmap even when they appear on radar screen after the player goes onto the station manually.

None of the other factors in this instance was at play. Again, all FYI as this is relatively easy to avoid and fix in game and caused me no issues. I did the Radar manually when I realized what was happening, sunk 'er, saved, reloaded, and went on with my game.

Needless to say, by the way, I love this mod. You guys have made a game that's over a decade old (!) fresh and exciting again. I don't think I could go back TMO or RFB: I get depth charged routinely, aircraft still occasionally catch me off guard even with SD, surface attacks are never not exhilarating, etc. The list goes on. Hats off to the team.
You can have what we'll refer to as a "blended" screen, which can work rather well on an approach. While you are on the NavMap, click one time on the radar menu button, and you should still be on the NavMap, but with the Radar screen's menu at the button. Make certain the SJ is turned on and on Sweep. You will not see the "flash" of the contact every round of the sweep, but you should receive enough to do a mark-up for course and range. Once you are set, either turn the SJ off (recommended) or stop the sweep. Another technique you can use it to go to the radar PPI (Plan Position Indicator), and with the SJ on and contact(s) seen, make a note of where the contact(s) are, then turn the sweep off (Focus), and then make a mouse click on the screen and bring the sweep around to "Focus" on the target(s). Once you have the beam sitting where you want, go back to the NavMap and make your marks. Or you could use the scale on the PPI, noting the range and bearing, and transfer that to the NavMap. Turn the radar off after though, because even earlier in the war, the game allows the AI to "see" they are being painted, and they start to act erratic and/or come after you. Someone else might have a comment or two on how they use their radar. What we want to have is Nisgeis's 3D TDC & Radar and for it to be FotRSU compatible, but that will take time, and we haven't begun the process... but with it, you could send radar data to the TDC directly. In FotRSU, the current radar set-up can only help you a bit in targeting. If it is storming, or the fog is thick, you can use a combination of your periscope pointing at the enemy (sonar lines), and the radar to "target" a contact, but it does not work as well as the 3D TDC mod in TMO...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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