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Old 06-17-06, 04:37 PM   #14
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I am nopt about tweaks, Subman. I talk about Wingmen not followung commands, or going vertically into the ground. Wingman colliding into a tnaker, or never tank until running out of fuel. Wingmen that never take off the ground and still got glued onto the taxiway when I have come back. wingmene that return home when being given attack orders. All this is said and promised to be solved with 1.03. 1.05. 1.06. 1.07. It all is still there, for me and quite some others, too. There is a reason why seeveral old Falconeers have tried it - and returned to SP or BMS or whatever.I have been with Falcon in general and Falcon 4 in special from the very beginning (my callsign derives from the very first Falcon for Amiga, a girlfriend has given it to me when seing me playing it so often). I may have forgotten quite a lot of the old tweaks and things one has to take care of when doing this or that in F4 since the realism patches 3-5, but the basics of wingman handling, for example, I still remember, no matter if I am flying F4 only rarely these days or not. I am not talking about mishandling, or tweaking existing functions like during the days of falcon4patch. I am talking about srious bugs and showstoppers. some AF-fans even today stay with 1.03, since later patches made things worse for some. The picture is not the same for all. some people do not see these issue. Some only with some patch levels. Only logvial that those who had goivemn up never raise their voices in the AF forums. I do not visit the AF forum at Frugals, too. Why should I, if I don't play it. when I said AF is a huge step back, then I mean that the free mods already had been gone beyond the stage of such massive patching and repairing needed that still has to be done for AF. I have no intention to wait another couple of years and experience a second time what I already have had years ago.I did not expect new things in AF, and no drastical improvements, and since a lot of the old stuff got implemented into it, I thought I would be safe to expect that at least what had been achieved in the years before would be there, and reliably, and functional, and easy to install. Instead they threw the patching standard back by several years. One year has passed, and concenring the showstopping issues it staill is no match for SP4. Seems my minimum expectation of keeping what had been achieved was wrong. Single players are better off with SP or BMS or a combo of both, I think. MP should try it, due to the better online stability. Dutch asked, I gave my view on it. That's all.
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