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Old 07-19-20, 03:58 PM   #3268
GWX Player
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Commander Wallace:

If your version of Sh3 is already the 1.4b patched version, then I believe my previous instructions will work. If, like me, your version is the original DVD, then you will not be able to use the h.sie patch in order to patch your executable to version v 1.6B1.

I believe that you will have to update your game to version 1.4b first.

I just verified this by installing the game today (using the DVD) on a laptop in which I have never installed it--(it's not made for gaming and cannot possibly run it). I had to install it in the x86 folder because it would not let me install it otherwise. I took the installed sh3.exe (which I am sure is version 1.4 and not version 1.4b) and tried to h.sie patch it using the "H.sie_V16B1-Patch-Kit", but it did not work. When running the batch file called "Patch_SH3", the pop-up window even informs you that it is attempting to patch your executable from version 1.4b to version 1.6B1. If your executable is version 1.4, it will not work.

So, I patched the executable to version 1.4b and then applied the h.sie patch to this executable, and it worked! The game launches as version 1.6B1.

If your game version's executable is v1.4, then it seems that a total of 3 files from the fresh installation game folder are needed in order to patch the executable to version 1.4b. I copied these three files, placed them in a folder, and then ran the 1.4b patch with that folder as the target. The 3 files needed from the game's installation folder are:


All you have to do in order to make sure that you find the correct files is to reveal their extensions: .dll, .exe., and .msg. To see the file extensions, just click "View" at the top of the folder that you are in, and select the tick box "File name extensions" in order to find the correct files.

Last edited by GWX Player; 07-19-20 at 05:29 PM.
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