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Old 06-26-20, 03:39 PM   #1399
CTD - it's not just a job
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Originally Posted by mikesn9 View Post
... The basics: FOTRSU with patch 1.1, mission from pearl started May 3, 1942, Tambor. Returning to pearl, June 6 1942, almost there when Sonar man says a merchant moving slow (stopped actually).

I looked at it, it was a Whale Factory American flagged sitting there about 6 1/2 to 7 miles SW of pearl with decks under water, superstructures above.
Approximate location from the map coordinates 158,1 W 21,17(and a half) N
Yes, I got the radio message about Midway, right after I did a quick refit on the way home.
There had been some rainy weather about 10-15 days west of pearl.
Saw 1 IJN destroyer way west of pearl, many days out. came home at TC 1536, sometimes 2048.
I cannot find a US flagged Whale Factory that is supposed to be in that area. There is only one in the layer, and it is not near there, and does terminate where it is supposed to. I'll try a few more times to find the ship. There are T tankers in the area though...

Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak View Post
... RSM, is the Radio Station Manager and KGMB is a radio mod (The station out of Honolulu) NewPatObjs2 is the mod that y'all told me about to fix my issue with the No Mission Objective bug
Today I have been making sure to be surfaced at 1TC with nothing going on for at least one of my saves before exiting SH$. I'm also an inveterate "save-scummer" meaning that i sometimes have over 100 saves that I end up deleting when I stop playing some games. (I'm at over 100 now for SH4 and that's after weeding out a bunch of the oldest) It does help though if someone wants to see additional info on any problems I report.

I tried setting the replay flag and making a second copy of the same save but that doesn't seem to work... Is that correct? Not really a problem as I tend to format my savegames as Alex T. Sinkstof 1943 03 30 0000 for a save that I make where the game date and time are part of the save name...
Get rid of the NewPatObjs2 and use 101_prBetaPatch_v1.1.7z instead - but only when in port! I would not keep that many Saves. The game starts to have issues when your Save file gets large, which really happens when you use the "Replay" tick box. Once you hit that tick box, the rest of your Saves after that for that career carry the wait of the Replay with them. They will be ~HUGE~, which does contribute to bad Saves... Only use Replays for SingleMissions, or "Cinematic" captures.

Originally Posted by Moonlight View Post
I'll have a Number 9 a Number 11 and a Number 17 please, oh yes and a side order of a midget submarine to do the mopping up with, games turning into a joke Mr beanie. These ships and boat were searching for me NNE of Hachiio Jima, the destroyer type ships I can understand but, a bloody midget submarine is taking the game to Hollywood movie level old boy.

I took your advice on the thermal layer and went 56ft below it, N9 and N11 passed by above to port and starboard, pinging away as though it was going to go out of fashion they were, well that got the attention of N17 and he didn't play by your rules Mr beanie, as soon as he got to know about my whereabouts he was coming in for the kill. I took some damage from his side throwers but I had the common sense to hit flank and to start going deeper, if I hadn't you'd be getting a much different report, I went down to 400ft and those ships never found me again.
So a combination of the techniques, dependent upon who you encounter. As for the midget, remember that those little dudes are "Elite Destroyer Escorts" at heart, as are all of the other AI submarines, and are like rabid dogs that will kill themselves in their effort to get at the enemy...

Originally Posted by Mios 4Me View Post
USS Cabrilla assigned to Patrol Area 4 immediately following sea trials in June 1943:

- AA crews remained merrily on station at 33 meters.

- Despite heavy seas, the skipper was determined to finish an Ada Maru by gunfire. Whenever the crew was forced back inside, toggling the key to order them back outside repeatedly resulted in an unwanted order to dive.

- No home port has yet been indicated, though we expect that to change soon.

This career was started after all contents of the Save Folder were deleted.

EDIT: After completing the assignment, we headed into Tokyo Bay on July 4th and I saved halfway up the north-south stretch of passage. Continuing on, there was a Hatsuharu firmly ashore at Yokosuka - not just on the docks, but on the ground south of them. Not sure if it had spawned there or ran itself aground at very high speed, but there was no smoke.

There was no sign of the TF that had been there the previous morning, just a burning ship aground on the point beyond, possibly a whalechaser.

When I went back to this Save point, it repeatedly failed to load, despite taking every precaution I've read about here. I went back to the previous Save, which was back in Area 4, and left station early to investigate that TF, arriving off Tokyo Bay on 6/29. Again, the TF icon was there in the morning but gone when I sneaked in.
Any grouping might "terminate" anywhere in there, from Tateyama Bight, all the way up to Tokyo itself, so if you don't catch it on the way in, you might not get another chance. Ships can be aground and or part of a dock for any one of a number of reasons. We'll check the HarborTraffic in the area. As for the crew staying at their battle stations, that is indicative of either bad Save data pulled back in, or jumping out to Windows with those infamous key combinations. I have tried several similar starts as yours, and I do not get any crews on any boats doing any "do it or die" routines...

Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
... Just out of curiosity, are ships in game, supposed to be trying out for the part of Casper the friendly ghost...??? Don't know if this is happening in career side or NOT.. but decided to try the training side of things, for dumps & giggles.. and noted a very odd incident when I did so. In the navigation portion, tooling about in a Porpoise class boat.. sailed past a Troopship Queen Mary & literally was seeing the island.. right straight through it... I went to free roam mode, to investigate this.. and sure enough, NO matter what angle but 1.. I was able to see everything on the other side through it...
Yes, the Empress has new clothes! Or not... That is part of the technique to have it change "skins" when it is supposed to, but sometimes, she forgets to get behind the view screen and complete her "change". We've been trying to "fix" that, without having to dump her - which would be rather rude to do to a queen that did all she did in the SoWesPac theatre... She does take torpedoes, and does sink from them, I assure you...

Originally Posted by DanielCoffey View Post
Bug Report : Destroyer Escort Evarts has overlapping objects on deck

The NDE_Evarts has the Quad Torpedo Launcher on the upper aft deck. The same location also has the two lifeboats AND a crew member. All these objects overlap and the Launcher could not realistically be used with the boats in their current position.

Please let me know when you have resolved this overlap as it affects the silhouette for the vessel.
For the time being, leave off the lifeboats, and do NOT take that sailors picture... We'll get to that. From what I can find of pictures of the class, the torpedo tubes were not on the vessels in the Atlantic, only another AA platform, so we'll have to get into that ship deeply. There are no lifeboats on them though, only rafts...

Originally Posted by 3catcircus View Post
I couldn't find it in the documentation, so I'm wondering how to solve the following "issue."

My GameplaySettings.cfg in the save game folder is set for TRUE for manual targeting.

Middle of the night, pouring rain, tracking a target via hydrophone. Firing from aft tubes, with a dang-near 90 degree intercept angle. Unable to lock up the target even though I can see it visually. Attempted to fire from aft tubes with the PK off. I received "Can't compute solution for aft tubes."

I don't recall - do I need to send a range and bearing at 180 degrees to the TDC even with the PK off in order to set the TDC to know it is firing from the aft tubes?
There are two sets of GamePlay Settings in the game, remember. One for the Campaign, accessed through the Captain's Office while in port, prior to going out on patrol, and the other from the Main menu, that is used for the SingleMissions, Multi-Missions, and QuickPatrols.

When you are shooting in adverse weather, you most likely will NOT get a lock, no matter how close you are. You have to "trick" the TDC with the PK. You can see you've got a 90, so aim like a Fast 90 shot, pointing the periscope in the proper direction, and turn the PK on to get the correct tubes fired up. I think you can then turn it off if you want. Move the scope to where you'll shoot, and wait for the "shadow" in the rainy night to pass the wire. "Topedo in the water!" - I think that's correct... I'd have to try it myself again... I did have pix of hitting the "Wounded Bear" somewhere around here...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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