Thread: [REL] Dark Waters
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Old 05-28-20, 01:01 PM   #457
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Originally Posted by Fritz Klum View Post
... However, I chose the training flotilla at the war start, and after completing the 2nd training mission, it says I should transfer to a battle flotilla, but when I go to hit the transfer button, it says no transfers available?...
All mods in SH3 and SH4 have troubles with training flotillas, due to the way the "flotillas" and "days in base" are structured, in conjunction with the way a mission is assigned to a submarine. As such, if you take too long to do a given training mission, it throws everything afterwards "out of time", sort of like the timing chain in your vehicle slipped a notch or two, and now you are getting ignition mis-fires. Similar can happen if you are just too good at the training and complete the training too early. Now your next assignment doesn't get assigned until a certain date, and you are probably a day or two (at the least) out in front of the transfer. There is nothing preventing you though, from stopping at a base somewhere to get fuel and load-up with more torpedoes, and take it upon yourself to go "hunting", either in the Baltic, or the North Sea for a few days while you "kill some time"...

Originally Posted by Fifi View Post
Didn’t work either...still red windows this application has been blocked...
I think my computer is purely crap.
Can’t understand why it is running SH3 very fine but SH4! Both from disc...
Someone else had similar happen Fifi, and I am unable to find the post. It had to do with a portion of the Windows Defender, not in the virus section, but like the malware section... I think it is Microsoft trying to eliminate all of us old dawgs from playing "legacy" games... lol

Originally Posted by WH4K View Post
I am using Version 6.
As has been pointed out by several other users here, the naming convention is actually rather descriptive. Look at that picture from the ONI manual again, and notice that "M" stands for "Mast", "K" stands for "Kingpost", "S" is "Superstructure", or just "Structure", while "F" is funnel". It describes the ship from front to back, or bow-to-stern. Generally, the "longer" the name like that, the longer the ship is in meter length, and after a while, you don't even need to look in the rec manual. You'll just go "Oh, 9 letters, so it is about 190 meters in length!"... and if you do 90 attacks, even that isn't important. ??

Originally Posted by Levyathan89 View Post
Ok I think I've just sumbled upon a bug. I wanted to make another video and started a Type-IX C-Career. Shortly after leaving Lorient (maybe some 500 km away) I clicked on the "show maximum range" button and at 10 kts, the maximum range was only about 13.000 km which is way too low for a Type IX C. I went back to main menu, started a new career in a Type IX C, went to 10 kts, clicked on show maximum range, and then the max range was about 27.000 km, as it should be. Is that a known issue?
It has been "discovered" (again recently) that all of those little "helpful" buttons are not really so helpful after all. There is something wrong with the internal math that the games uses to determine the estimated mileage. Also found to be "wanting" is the "Time to course end". I have no clue how many hours in the day they are using, but it seems like it is twenty hours one time, then 42 hours the next. Not to be trusted. However, some players (myself included) will pawn that off to "the fog of war". You just never knew when you would have a HORS engine break on you, so it mattered little what the math equations were based upon... Might be a reason they were left out of the stock game...

Originally Posted by sonicninja View Post
I'm using V6 and I have the ships listed by K-M-S etc, I don't mind it as i think it offers an extra challenge and once you know what the letters stand for its actually quite satisfying when you ID a ship without the recognition manual as it was a genuine method during the war

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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