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Old 05-22-20, 04:41 PM   #3645
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Originally Posted by Jimbuna View Post
Quote of importance (2:07)

"If you're in the sunshine, you get Vitamine D. Now you dont want to get burnt in the sun, so if it takes about 2 hours say to get sunburned, then you make a lot of Vitamine D in one hour. So we want to get halfway to being sunburned to make an optimal amount of Vitamine D. If you're exposed to the sun for half the time it takes you to get sunburned with a good body exposure under your shorts and your top off, you make about 20 thousand units of Vitamine D, so that is a lot. (...) If somebody is deficient in Vitamine D, there is evidence that supplements can improve the quality of immunity."

He does not explicitly say this, but I strongly assume he says this about white skinned humans. Darker skin colours produce Vitmane D slower, the darkest very slowly. Also, you may live in a sunny country, but by job circumstances spend a lot of time indoors, so that weighs in.

I feel reconfirmed in my self-prescription of 10 thousand units per day, of course together with Vit K2 and Magnesium, this should never be ignored.

Do not take it together with Calcium. Pay attention to that Vitamine K helps blood clotting, which in principle is good since it helps to seal bleeding wounds faster. If I would catch the virus, I would immediately skip taking Vit K2 and lower the dose of Vitamine D, since Coivid 19 is known now to excessively cause blood clotting, one third or more of the hospitalised cases have according complications. You also need to pay attention to Vitamine K when you take blood thinners - both agents' effects are antagonistic, obviously.

Note that national food and nutrition agencies tend to be extremely conservative in their recommendations of supplements. In Germany, they almost always say "Nay", while in the US Vit-D even gets added in significant quantities, it seems to me, to foods you buy off the shelves. There is no consensus on these supplements, and none of these agencies guards the only true holy grail - not with Vitamine D and not with any other food supplements. They are bureaucratic organizations with plenty of both industrial and ideological lobbyists trying to manipulate them, so money making and missionising both play important roles. Inform yourself from different sources, use your reason, and make a rational decision that you can form good arguments for. Do not just blindly follow what your Doc tells you - no doctor knows everything, some are modern, some are old-fashioned, some learn new stuff, some refuse to let new stuff touch them, and none of them has divine inerrable knowledge. Mostly I listen to them - but not always. I demand a doctor to be able to thoroughly explain even that what I as a non-doctor do not know by default. What they give in explanation has to make sense to me, if it does not, I reject them, and if they cannot explain it so that I understand it, I conclude they do not know what they talk about, and if they do not take the time it takes to explain it, I withdraw all trust and will never see them again.

Fortunately Dr Campbell is very good in explaining things.

And he has friendly eyes. Laugh, if you want, but I pay attention to such details. Eyes are windows to the soul, poets say. There is some truth in that, I think. Faces can lie. Eyes never.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 05-22-20 at 05:01 PM.
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