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Old 05-05-20, 12:37 PM   #919
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Ahh yesh... I know exactly where you were sitting, and it is indeed in deep water. Ten torpedoes is not out of the ordinary for that ship, and I have hit it with 15 and it still be afloat. That somewhat depends upon where you hit it. The one time I encountered it while in the game and it was underway, I managed to put five of six bow torps in her, but never got the chance to get turned for the after room... and she ran away from me at 24 knots, leaving 3 of 4 DD behind to bust my nose and dent my rib cage... stomp on my feet, wrench my arms... etc. etc. etc.... Barely made it home, where everyone in the officer's lounge was saying "how big did you say this fish was?"... - In my imagination anyway... lol - I do wish the game could give you a "BB Yamato Class - damaged" report.
Believe it or not I stumbled across ANOTHER one of those guys today, hanging out inside an atoll southwest of Midway, inbound on my last patrol (mid-1943).

Of course I was down to only 5 torps total, so I didn't even bother. I settled for sinking a few of the smaller fish that were milling about.
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