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Old 04-21-20, 07:18 AM   #1868
Commander Wallace
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
Sure, but if some maniac carries his gun concealed and gets close to his victim, which chance does this armed victim have to act in time, e.g. in a crowd? Mistrust every other human within possible gun range? You are never safe against maniacs.

Guns or no guns, pathological cases will always find a way to wreak havoc. If all have guns they will use explosives like with the Oklahoma city bombing or whatever.

Maybe August 'misunderstood' (intentionally of course), that i moan the shooting of the mass murderer. I do not. But i think it would be good for mankind if it knew what makes those people tick, if only to prevent more of this carnage.
I don't disagree with you, Kai. As is being reported in the Nova Scotia shooting, there are multiple crime scenes. Something is driving the stupid mentality that compels people to engage in the carnage we are seeing today and at Nova Scotia. Maybe in this case, the isolation with regards to Covid-19 in conjunction with other factors like mental defects drove this act. Who really knows.

My point is that if a lunatic like this one is shooting a number of people in one location, then the legally armed individual has a means to defend themselves or at least make the active shooter pause long enough so that they and others can be afforded the opportunity to escape. This way, trained individuals like law enforcement, with the equipment and training, can effectively deal with the situation without worrying about harming innocent bystanders.

I think generally, the people I meet out on the street and in business are like the people here. Reasonable, intelligent and more likely to buy you a beer at the pub and tell you funny stories and watch a sporting event with you than harm you in any way. In that way, I think Subsim members are a cross section of society. I'm sure my experiences are no different than anyone else here.

Meaning, as August was alluding to I think, that crazy people make up a very small percentage of the population. I know a number of our Subsim members go legally armed and I don't hear of them harming anyone. They do so to protect themselves, their families and possibly others, if they are in harms way. That being said, I'm sure they are as prepared as one can be for the mindless events such as random shootings.

I think if people want to get their aggression's out, they should play a submarine or aerial combat game. Perhaps give whack-a squirrel a go. I would have said watch a Hockey game but the rest of the paused NHL season is in doubt. If they do that, they should pick a winning NHL team to watch or they will be very sad.

Last edited by Commander Wallace; 04-21-20 at 09:26 AM.
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