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Old 03-31-20, 05:44 PM   #662
CTD - it's not just a job
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2x @ KeleunMarco: That earlier post should have said "could NOT see the flames"... flying fingers of fickle keyboard flicking... As for the cursor, I have never seen that. In situations such as that, the handy-dandy, cell fone is the only thing I know of that can "capture" the cursor. I would be tempted to look into the Windows mouse settings, though I know of no easy way to get what you are describing for the cursor. If your computer just did a new Windows Update (mine did), that may have done something.

@ Moonlight: that oversight was corrected a couple of weeks ago. I don't know how we lost the rock, but we did. The issue with it is that it is not "visible" in the 3D world until your are inside 3200 yards, and not fully visible until roughly 2800 (on my computer). Somewhat like the docks in the game. But at least there is a marker on the NavMap again. I was going to keep it under my hat, and see if anyone noticed after the next update... lol

Originally Posted by torpedobait View Post
On patrol west of Savo...
... This is probably a byproduct of the manner in which defensive torpedo launches are generated, and I do not consider it a flaw, per se. Sort of like planes that drop torpedoes, something was "borrowed" to add to the realism. Pretty cool actually to see the torpedoes shooting out and splashing into the sea.

One other thing, all 3 of the Wildcats were shot down. The crews were in rafts with the pink flare marking their positions. I was able to approach and rescue all 3 crews (getting pretty good at that one, at least in fairly calm seas), but though it felt good to save the crews, there is no credit for a successful rescue. Perhaps one day that can change? There is often some risk in surfacing to pick up survivors. I guess the satisfaction of a job well done is enough for now.

Good Hunting!
"By-product" is a good term for that. I witnessed that several times when testing the airplanes recently. This is another reason I say that an airplane in SH4 is nothing but an upside-down submarine, that "flies" in the sky (such as it it), as opposed to the submarine that "flies" in the water (such as it is). As for rescuing the pilots, I have developed a "kludge" that works - usually. Trying to clean it up, and it definitely needs more testing. The problem comes in when a "Rescue Pilot" objective has not been set. If we make every mission have a secondary "Rescue Pilot", some skippers might panic if they don't rescue ~somebody~... Attempts have also been made at "rescuing" a Japanese survivor. Unfortunately, the game does not allow that, and making them a "friendly" that looks like a Japanese survivor makes it entirely too easy to pick them up - besides the "where did this guy come from?" problem... ah well...

Originally Posted by adrians69 View Post
Just north west of Manila, came across a convoy of 2 BBs and numerous destroyers and assorted merchants. Sent a contact report and got orders back not to engage but break contact and carry out my original orders, other forces will be vectored in to attack Never seen this happen before, but it certainly adds variety to the proceedings!
It takes a while, but we are getting those DynamicMiss files tweaked into better trim, though there is still more we could try... We have a couple of add-in missions we might throw in, after we get things settled down a bit better.

@ fitzcarraldo: We would definitely appreciate it if you share your findings here also. I had Reshader working with FotRSU, but did not like the results I was getting, and gave up after about a half-dozen attempts.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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