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Old 03-10-20, 07:48 PM   #76
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves View Post
It's just a movie Folks.
So like Spiderman and Star Wars?
It's just not real.
I'll watch it!
I enjoy movies that entertain me. Don't care if it's full of BS!
Part of the fun on this one will be pointing out the BS!
Which will totally annoy the Wife.
Yep! That is my attitude. The trailer makes me feel like, although there are cliches and it won't be perfect (and, yes, it's the 'Murican point of view again!!!) it will be a watchable movie - fun, and dealing with a subject I like.

I don't believe Hollywood could make another "Das Boot" or its equivalent today; accurate submarine movies are kind of a niche market. The pacing and character-heavy style of "Das Boot" is not likely to appeal to most people.

And then there's the political issue. It's hard to imagine a modern, mass-market American Hollywood movie that would portray any WWII German protagonist positively. Aside from exceptions (like Tom Cruise in "Valkyrie" as the anti-Hitler von Stauffenberg).

That's a shame to me; I agree that a balanced, historical Hollywood film about Kretschmer/Prien etc would be interesting. German film makers have proven with recent series (Generation War, etc) that it's possible to take a nuanced approach .... to humanize Germans who fought during WWII and, at the same time, point out that Nazism was evil and had to be defeated.

Perhaps a modern U-Boat film maker could solve the pacing issue by covering the sinking of Royal Oak, several convoy battles, etc instead of one patrol like Das Boot.... thus, plenty of drama/pyro stuff, and plenty of historical material.
Ah well, food for thought.
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