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Old 01-25-20, 01:48 PM   #41
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Over the last couple of years I tremendously reduced the frequences by which I catch an ordinray common flu:

Washing my hands often.

Once or twice a week I use a cotton ball and alcohol on some much used household items: mouse, keyboard, telephone, light switches, door holds, smartphone, TV rmeote control, keys, grips on refirgerator and cupboards. Just try not become excessive. You do not want to develope an anancastic personality!

When being in town or shopping, NEVER touch my face with my fingertips anymore. Especially not the area close to eyes, nose and mouth (infection via mucosa).

Avoiding crowds or floicks of people. Keeping a distance. Avoiding coughing people early.

Small things, Great effects!

If this viurs story turns into something bigger, have some filter masks with protection grade FFP3 ready. They are affordable. The use of these is more common in Asia, and the idea is good. It protects you from others coughing in your face. But also it protects the others from you, if you already are infested and just do not know it.

Just that any papermask will not make a difference. You need to learn a bit about what works and what not. I have something like this in my ready-chest:
Filters must be level FFP3. FFP2 and FFP1 filters are not fine enough, they are meant for craftsmen! A framed mask like this models seals nose and chin area more relably than just a paper mask, also, the filte ritself is efficient. Most clioncal appe rmaks used in hospitals are not to prevent infection by virusses, but to prevent infection by patients spitting out blood and such. These masks will not even protect you from flu. You can wear protective glasses along with it. I have a beard. In case of troubles I woul shave it off, to have the mask sealing my chin correctly if I have to leave the house. Full face masks have their own worries if you wera glasses. The fram wbrakes the seal, like a beard does. Be prepared to get rid of both if needing to wear such masks.

Eating outside my home I have already drastically reduced since as a student I worked for 4 weeks in a Biergarten kitchen. That job taught me a lot of things that now are the cause why I do not easily pay for restaurants anymore. Food and eating is a matter of trust. Why just trusting just anybody...? Trust is an empirically justfiied thing, not a lottery. Also, eating outside sinmply has become tooi expensive, it is mostly not worth it to me.

If you think such masks and gloves are a good idea, BUY THEM NOW. Once the outbreak is widespread, everybody will want one. And many will not get any anymore. Also have some replacement filters. Consider eye-protection.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-25-20 at 02:11 PM.
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